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ELISE. Elisha was an Israelite prophet in the days of Jereboam, son of Ahab, c. 800 B.C. As Elijah's disciple, he was anointed by the older prophet to take his place before Elijah was taken up to heaven in his chariot of fire (IV Kings 2:1-13). The Carmelites claim in De origine fundatoribus et regulus monachorum et monacharum (end of the fourteenth century) that Elijah and Elisha were friars and that Elijah was their founder.

Friar John tells sick Thomas that the friars' reputation for teaching and preaching began in the time of Elye and Elise, SumT 2116. [Elye]

Elise is a development of Latin Heliseus. Latin initial h was not pronounced. It occurs in final rhyming position.

R.A. Koch, "Elijah the Prophet, Founder of the Carmelite Order." Speculum 24 (1959): 547-560.
Copyright © 1988, 1996 Jacqueline de Weever
Published by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York and London.

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