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EURIPIDIS. Euripides, son of Mnesarchus, c. 480-406 B.C., wrote eighty-eight Greek plays, of which nineteen survive. Some of his plays seem to have been known in the early Middle Ages, since Boethius quotes from his Andromacha.

Lady Philosophy quotes from Euripides's Andromacha 319-320, Bo III, Prosa 6.2-3, and Andromacha 418-420, Bo III, Prosa 7.25.

Euripidis is the Latin genitive singular, which occurs in the Latin text.

Euripides, The Plays of Euripides, trans. R. Lattimore and D. Green in The Complete Greek Tragedies; G. Murray, Euripides and his Age; OCD, 418-421.
Copyright © 1988, 1996 Jacqueline de Weever
Published by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York and London.

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