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FLORA is the Roman goddess of flowers and gardens. Ovid says her name was formerly Chloris (Fasti V.183-198). Zephyrus carried her off, and she became his wife.

The Dreamer finds himself in a meadow where Flora and Zephyrus live, BD 400-404. Zephyrus and Flora give the flowers their sweet breath, LGW F 171-174. The long description of the work of Flora and Zephyrus, RR 8403-8454, is part of the evocation of the Golden Age. [Eolus]

Flora, derived from Latin flos/floris, occurs medially only, BD 402; LGW F 171.

Ovid, Fasti, ed. and trans. J.G. Frazer, 274-275; RR, ed. E. Langlois, III: 80-82; RR, trans. C. Dahlberg, 155-156.
Copyright © 1988, 1996 Jacqueline de Weever
Published by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York and London.

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