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GALAXIE, GALAXYE, the aggregate of stars, gas, and dust, of which there are several. The Earth's galaxy is the Milky Way, the center of which lies in Sagittarius in the southern hemisphere.

The Learned Eagle, as he flies by with the frightened Dreamer in his claws, points out the Galaxie, which some call the Milky Way or Watling Street, HF II.935-940. Scipio Africanus Minor dreams that his grandfather Scipio Africanus Major takes him up to heaven and shows him the Galaxie, PF 56.

F.P. Magoun, Jr., A Chaucer Gazetteer, 170-171.
Copyright © 1988, 1996 Jacqueline de Weever
Published by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York and London.

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