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HALY. Chaucer's Haly has not been positively identified. He may have been one of three men with the name Ali, transliterated as Haly. Haly Abbas, whose Arabic name is Ali ibn-'al-Abbas al-Majusi, was a Persian physician who died between A.D. 982 and 995. His chief work, Kitab al-Maliki, was translated into Latin, with the title Liber regius (The Royal Book), by Stephen of Pisa in 1127 at Antioch. It appeared in Venice in 1492 and in Lyons in 1523. Constantinus Africanus translated the surgical section in the eleventh century. The second candidate for the identification is Hali filius Rodbon (Ali, son of Rodbon), whose Arabic name is Ali ibn-Ridwan ibn-'Ali ibn-Ja'far. He was born in Ghezeh c. A.D. 980. His commentary on Galen's Tegni was famous during the Middle Ages. The last candidate is Abu-l-Hasan 'Ali ibn-Abu-l-Rijal, whose Latin name is Albohazen Haly. He was born in either Cordova or North Africa and flourished in Tunis about 1016-1040. His main work, Al-Bari fi akham al-nujum, called The Distinguished Book on Horoscopes from the Constellations, was translated from Arabic into Castilian by Judah ben Moses and from Castilian into Latin by Aegidius de Tebaldis of Parma and Peter of Riga under the Latin title Praeclarissimus liber completus in Judiciis astrorum and was printed in Venice in 1485. It was, however, well known before that date, and Merton College Library owned a copy between 1360 and 1385.

Haly is one of the Physician's authorities, Gen Prol 431.

The form is the English rendering of Arabic 'Ali and occurs medially.

Ibn-Ridwan, Medieval Islamic Medicine: Ibn-Ridwan's Treatise "On the Prevention of Bodily Ills in Egypt," trans. M.W. Dols, Arabic text ed. A.S. Gamal; D. Metlitzki, The Matter of Araby in Medieval England, 251, n. 9; G. Sarton, An Introduction to the History of Science, I: 715-716.
Copyright © 1988, 1996 Jacqueline de Weever
Published by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York and London.

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