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HORN is the hero of the King Horn romances. The Anglo-Norman version is dated c. 1180; the Middle English Horn Childe and Maiden Rimenhild, in the southeast or Midland dialect, has been ascribed to the first half of the thirteenth century, c. 1225.

Sir Thopas surpasses the heroes of romance, even Horn, Thop 897-898. [Thopas]

King Horn, ed. J. Hall; D.M. Hill, "An Interpretation of King Horn." Anglia 75 (1957): 157-172; W.H. French, Essays on King Horn; W.H. Schofield, "The Story of Horn and Rimenhild." PMLA 18 (1903): 1-83.
Copyright © 1988, 1996 Jacqueline de Weever
Published by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York and London.

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