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ISRAEL is the name the angel gave to Jacob after they had wrestled together (Genesis 32:28-29). The name was later given to the land of Canaan after the Israelites settled it.

The Monk says that Samson ruled Israel as a judge for twenty years, MkT 2055-2065; he also mentions that Nabugodonosor gelded the fairest children of the royal blood of Israel, MkT 2143-2153. At the end of The Legend of Lucrece the poet extols the steadfastness of women, saying that Christ himself pointed out that he had not found in Israel as great faith as he found in a woman, LGW 1879-1882. In Matthew 15:20-28 Jesus commends the Syro-Phoenician woman for her faith; in Matthew 8:10 Jesus says that he had not found as great faith in Israel as he found in the Roman centurion. The passage in LGW 1879-1882 seems to be a conflation of the two statements. [Daniel: Jacob: Nabugodonosor]

Israel occurs three times in medial positions only, MkT 2060, 2152; LGW 1880.

Copyright © 1988, 1996 Jacqueline de Weever
Published by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York and London.

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