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LEANDRE. Leander of Abydos fell in love with Hero, priestess of Venus at Sestos. Guided by the light from her window, he swam the Hellespont every night to be with her. During a storm the wind blew out the light, and Leander drowned. Hero, in despair, threw herself into the Hellespont (Heroides XVIII, XIX; OM IV.3150-3586; Machaut, Le Jugement dou roy de Navarre, 3221-3310).

The Man of Law says that Chaucer has narrated the story of the drowned Leandre and his Hero, MLI 69, but there is no story extant in his corpus. [Erro]

Leandre, the OF variant, appears medially.

Guillaume de Machaut, Oeuvres, ed. E. Hoepffner, I: 248-251; Ovid, Her, ed. and trans. G. Showerman, 244-275; OM, ed. C. de Boer, II, deel 21: 78-87.
Copyright © 1988, 1996 Jacqueline de Weever
Published by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York and London.

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