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MADRIAN. There is no decisive opinion about this saint. D.M. Norris posits a "corruption" of Italian Madre; G.L. Frost thinks that a confection called "Conserve of Madrian" is meant; J.R. Byers suggests that Bailly means St. Hadrian or St. Adrian. A.S. Haskell shows that Adrian is the saint meant here. His wife Natalia supported him in his martyrdom in much the same way that Bailly's wife Goodelief urges him to beat his apprentices. Adrian was the patron saint of brewers, and Harry Bailly owns a tavern.

Harry Bailly swears by this saint, MkP 1892.

The name appears in final rhyming position.

J.R. Byers, "Harry Bailly's St. Madrian." ELN 4 (1966): 6-9; G.L. Frost, "That Precious Corpus Madrian." MLN 57 (1942): 177-179; A.S. Haskell, "The Host's Precious Corpus Madrian." JEGP 67 (1968): 430-440; D.M. Norris, "Harry Bailly's 'Corpus Madrian.'" MLN 48 (1933): 146-148.
Copyright © 1988, 1996 Jacqueline de Weever
Published by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York and London.

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