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OETES. Aeetes, son of Helios, was king of Colchis, Circe's brother, and Medea's father. He owned the Golden Fleece of the Ram of Phrixus, on which the life of his kingdom depended and which Jason came seeking with the Argonauts (Met VII.7-10). Guido de Columnis blames Aeetes for seating Medea next to Jason at the palace banquet and thus helping to ignite the passion between them (HDT II.255-269). Aeetes's role is more important in Guido's version than in Ovid's.

Oëtes, king of Colchis and Medea's father, owns the Golden Fleece, LGW 1438, 1593. Jason woos his daughter and takes her away with him after she helps him to win the Fleece. [Jason: Medea]

Oëtes, the medieval Latin variant, occurs twice, medially.

Guido delle Colonne, Guido de Columnis: HDT, ed. N.E. Griffin, 7-8, 14-22; ibid., HDT, trans. M.E. Meek, 4-5, 16-17; Ovid, Met, ed. and trans. F.J. Miller, l: 342-343.
Copyright © 1988, 1996 Jacqueline de Weever
Published by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York and London.

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