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PALAMON, PALAMOUN, is Arcita's cousin and felawe (sworn brother) in The Knight's Tale. He is devoted to Venus and thinks that Emelye is the goddess when he sees her in the garden from his prison window, KnT 1074-1102. After seven years' imprisonment, Palamon breaks out of prison on the third of May, KnT 1451-1487. He meets Arcita, who is out observing May in the forest, and challenges him to a duel on the next day, KnT 1574-1622. As they fight up to their ankles in blood, Theseus intervenes and orders their executions because they have flouted his edict, KnT 1674-1747, but Ypolita and Emelye beg for their lives, and Theseus commands Palamon and Arcita to appear at a tournament the next year, KnT 1742-1880. Since Palamon is Venus's knight, Theseus builds him an oratory to the goddess on the east gate of the stadium, KnT 1918-1966. Palamon worships Venus in her oratory and asks not for victory but for possession of Emelye, KnT 2221-2267. Several years after Arcita's death he finally marries her. In Boccaccio's Il Teseide delle nozze d'Emilia, the name is Palaemon. Alceste reminds the God of Love that the poet has told all the love of Palamon and Arcita, LGW G 419-421, LGW G 407-409. [Arcita: Emelie: Lygurge: Venus]

Palamon never appears in initial position. It occurs twenty-nine times medially, KnT 1031, 1063, 1092, 1115, 1123, 1128, 1234, 1334, 1450, 1455, 1574, 1590, 1620, 1636, 1714, 2094, 2210, 2212, 2314, 2471, 2639, 2763, 2797, 2909, 3077, 3090, 3098; LGW F 420, LGW G 408. Palamon also occurs fourteen times in final rhyming position, KnT 1014, 1275, 1452, 1698, 2117, 2128, 2261, 2271, 2584, 2783, 2794, 2817, 2882, 2976. Palamoun occurs three times in medial positions, KnT 2633, 2647, 2742; sixteen times in final rhyming position, KnT 1070, 1341, 1348, 1467, 1479, 1516, 1627, 1655, 1734, 1791, 1870, 2629, 2643, 2652, 2858, 2882.

Boccaccio, Tutte le opere, ed. V. Branca, II: 253-664; H.N. Fairchild, "Active Arcite, Contemplative Palamon." JEGP 26 (1927): 285-293.
Copyright © 1988, 1996 Jacqueline de Weever
Published by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York and London.

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