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PAPYNIAN. Aemilius Papinianus, fl. third century A.D., became praefectus praetorio, prefect of magistrates, in A.D. 203. He was one of the most brilliant jurists of his day. Caracalla ordered his execution in 212 because Papinianus, one of Geta's supporters, expressed disapproval when the emperor ordered his brother's murder (Spartianus, Antoninus Caracalla IV.i).

Lady Philosophy says that among great men executed by powerful rulers stands Papynian, Bo III, Prosa 5.49-52.

Papynian, the English contraction of Latin Papinianus, is the French variant in Jean de Meun's Li Livres de confort de philosophie.

V.L. Dedeck-Héry, "Boethius' De consolatione by Jean de Meun." MS 14 (1952): 213; Scriptores historiae Augustae, ed. and trans. D. Magie, II: 11.
Copyright © 1988, 1996 Jacqueline de Weever
Published by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York and London.

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