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PENNEUS. Peneus, the river god, had a daughter, Daphne, whom Apollo loved. As she fled from Apollo, Daphne appealed to her father, and Peneus changed her into a laurel tree (Met I.452-576; OM I.2737-3064).

This story is painted on the walls of Diane's oratory, KnT 2060-2064. [Dane]

Penneus, the ME variant, occurs medially, KnT 2064.

Ovid, Met, ed. and trans. F.J. Miller, I: 34-43; OM, ed. C. de Boer, I, deel 15: 120-126.
Copyright © 1988, 1996 Jacqueline de Weever
Published by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York and London.

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