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[PETER1 RIGA], c. 1140-1209, was born at Rheims. His poem, Aurora, a versification of certain books of the Bible, was written between 1170 and 1200. It was one of the most widely read and most accessible of medieval writings.

The Man in Black says that, although he wrote many songs, he could not make songs as well as Tubal, Lamech's son, who invented the first songs; he adds that the Greeks say Pythagoras invented the art, Aurora says so, BD 1157-1170, a reference to Liber Genesis 477-484. [Absolon1: Pictagoras: Tubal]

Chaucer does not mention Peter Riga's name but the name of his work, Aurora.

Peter Riga, Aurora, ed. P.E. Beichner.
Copyright © 1988, 1996 Jacqueline de Weever
Published by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York and London.

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