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RODOGONE. Rhodogune was one of Darius's daughters. She killed her nurse for suggesting that she remarry after her husband's death. Jerome tells her story in Epistola adversus Jovinianum (Letter Against Jovinian) I.45 (PL 23: 275).

Rodogone is one of Dorigen's examples of virtuous wives, FranklT 1456. [Dorigen]

The name appears in medial position.

G. Dempster, "Chaucer at Work on the Complaint in The Franklin's Tale." MLN 52 (1937): 6-16; K. Hume, "The Pagan Setting of The Franklin's Tale and the Sources of Dorigen's Cosmology." SN 44 (1972): 289-294; J. Sledd, "Dorigen's Complaint." MP 45 (1947): 36-45.
Copyright © 1988, 1996 Jacqueline de Weever
Published by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York and London.

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