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SUSANNA, SUSANNE. Susannah was the virtuous wife of Joachim. Two lustful elders, whose advances she repulsed, accused her of adultery (Daniel 13). Machaut tells this story in Le Confort d'ami, 73-426. "Susannah and the Elders" is a favorite subject in medieval illuminations in Books of Hours.

Custance prays to God who saved Susanne from false blame, MLT 639-641. False witnesses caused Susanna great pain and sorrow, ParsT 797.

Susanna occurs in ParsT 797; Susanne, the French variant, occurs in final rhyming position, MLT 639.

Guillaume de Machaut, Oeuvres, ed. E. Hoepffner, III: 3-16; A.L. Kellogg, "Susannah and The Merchant's Tale." Speculum 35 (1960): 275-279; Susannah, ed. A. Miskimin.
Copyright © 1988, 1996 Jacqueline de Weever
Published by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York and London.

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