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THARBE is one of Criseyde's nieces, with whom she walks in the garden while Antigone sings a song of love, Tr II.813-825. She accompanies Criseyde to dinner at Deiphebus's house, Tr II.1562-1563.

G.L. Hamilton suggests that Chaucer found the name "rex Thabor" in the Historia destructionis Troiae and made it feminine. [Antigone: Creseyde: Flexippe]

The name appears medially, Tr II.816, 1563.

G.L. Hamilton, The Indebtedness of Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde to Guido delle Colonne's Historia destructionis Troiae, 94.
Copyright © 1988, 1996 Jacqueline de Weever
Published by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York and London.

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