CGI Program: showstats


The showstats script will display a full or partial Web Usage Report. There are three report types: Directory Tree, Domain, and Redirect. Partial reports show information about a particular web directory. These reports include Columbia departments and student groups, but not public_html directories.

The getstats program is used to create these reports each week.

The first three examples shown below use hardcoded values, and the last example allows the user to fill in the directory name and select the other parameters. Use the View Source command to see how these examples are setup.


See the Columbia University Web Usage Reports page to see how a web form can be created for showstats.


Set the server variable to the name of the server you are interested in (columbia, kermit, ciao, etc.).

Set the reptype variable to the desired report type:

dtr for Directory Tree Report
dom for Domain Report
red for Redirect Report

Set the webdir variable to the name of the directory you are interested in, or leave it blank for a full report. Some examples:


Set the detail variable to indicate which report you are interested in (1 to 6): 1=brief, 2=medium, 3=long, 4=extra long, etc.

Set the repdate variable to the 8-digit date of the desired reporting period.

Set the sortkey variable to the desired sort field: alp (alphabetical) or req (by the number of requests).

Set the honly variable "on" for reports that only count the HTML files. Leave this variable empty for all document types.

Last modified 12/26/06 19:44
Research and Development Group
Academic Information Systems
Columbia University
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