Water Supply:
Water in the City of New Rochelle is supplied by the United Water
Company, a private utility that provides water from the New York
City water supply system to the City and other municipalities in
the region. The average daily consumption for the system is 22.5
million gallons per day (MGD), with a maximum of 38.0 MGD.
The average water demand for the existing properties is approximately
34,300 gallons per day (GPD), which is based on .1 GPD per square
foot for commercial properties and 300 GPD per residential dwelling.
Sanitary Sewage: The City of New Rochelle is serviced by
the New Rochelle Wastewater Treatment Pant, owned and operated by
the Westchester County Department of Environmental Facilities. The
plant is already operating above designed capacity (16.4 MGD although
designed for 13.6 MGD) but below its maximum hydraulic capacity
of 45.0 MGD. A state moratorium has been in place since 1986 precluding
any new sewer extensions, but not prohibiting service connections
to an existing sanitary sewer system. This means that a developer
can connect to the existing system, but cannot build a new one.
The capacity of the pump station is 3.9 MGD. The average daily flow
to the pump station is .6 MGD, so there is sufficient capacity for
additional sanitary effluent. The City places a minimal charge for
road openings for such things as sewer work, and it pays for this
via taxes, but the report does not state the exact costs or anything
about the percentage of increase in taxes that might be necessary.
Solid Waste: There is no information on the amount of solid
wastes currently being collected by the city in the proposed site,
but there is a table of calculations. Here are the residential calculations
within the site area at present:
Population: 131 persons
Tons per day of solid waste: 0.23
Tons per year of solid waste: 84.4
Energy: Con Edison provides natural gas and electric service
to the area and foresees no problems with the natural gas service.
Rodent Control: The city experienced rodent problems between
1984 and 1992 on nine properties in the site area, but there have
been no problems since then. Per the city's code, if there is to
be any demolition, it will be required that the applicant retain
a pest exterminator to bait the area prior.