Lecture 6 –
Arrival and Change

Islands: Ecology, Evolution, & Conservation

Dr. James A. Danoff-Burg

Department of Ecology, Evolution, & Environmental Biology

Columbia University


•   Special impacts of small population size

•   Sex on islands

•   Niche shifts

Content Flow

•   Last week

–    Macroevolution

•  Production of new species from older ones

–    Speciation patterns

–    All were the consequence of microevolution

•   This week

–    Microevolution

•  Changes within a species

•  Not always leading to new species (speciation)

Arrival and Colonization:
The Rule of Tens

Empirical observation – not well understood

Rule of Tens –
Interpretation & Consequences

•   Great reduction in number of individuals that make it through each stage

•   Consequences

1000 Introduced

100 Established

10 Integrated

1 Invasive

Rule of Tens – Why?

•   Possibilities

–    Difficulties in biotic factors

–    Difficulties in abiotic factors

–    Difficulties in dispersal

–    Small population sizes

–    Stochastic impacts

–    Density dependent or independent factors

•   In short: Any kind of factor that limits population growth

Relevancy to Populations

•   Relevant to

–    Numbers of species

–    Number of individuals within a species

•   Abundance

–    Same factors that are limiting the arrival and success of a species

–    Also limit population size of colonists

•  Thus initial founding population

Population Size and Microevolution

•   Selection is most intense on small populations

–    More likely to be impacted by chance environmental occurrences

–    More likely to have revelation of recessive traits

–    More likely to be founded by oddities

•   Drift also fastest in small populations

–    More likely to have chance fixation of new traits

Small Population Features

•   Founder effects

•   Genetic drift

•   Bottlenecks

Founder Effects

•   Islands usually founded by small population size

–    Due to either a dispersal or vicariant event

–    One or a few events typical

•   Genetic composition of founders

–    Reduced genetic diversity in founders

•  Relative to source pool diversity

–    Reduced heterozygosity in island population

–    May lead to other changes

Genetic Drift

•   Chance changes / fixations of novel traits

–    Due to small population sizes

–    Revelation of otherwise hidden & recessive traits

•   Drift speed

–    In large populations (infinite) θ miniscule change

–    In small populations θ greatly accelerated


•    Founding events: due to small population sizes

–    Great reduction in population size

•  If bottleneck is long-lived or repeated

•  Intuitively obvious

•    Bottlenecks don’t always reduce genetic diversity

–    If bottleneck is short (one generation) & population rebounds

θcould actually increase genetic diversity

•  May serve to break up genetic dominance

•  May allow additive genetic variation to arise

–    “shaking up the order”

•  E.g., sexually selective females need to be less selective

•  Could lead to novel interspecific hybrids θ introgression

Impact of Small Populations – Summary

•   Restrictions to a small population

–    Due to small number of colonizers

–    Greater influence in less vagile species

•  Rely on chance happenstance for dispersal (human-mediated)

•   Leads to several genetic changes

–    Loss of genetic diversity and heterozygosity

•  Founder effect / Genetic drift

–    Novel genetic combinations

•  Genetic drift / Founder effect / Bottlenecks

–    Introgression between species

•  Bottlenecks

Colonizers and Sexuality

•   Which do better on islands – sexual or asexually reproducing species?

•   Which is more likely to colonize islands?

•   Are there island-specific trends among sexually reproducing species?

Island-Specific Trends

•   Hawaii & New Zealand

–    Have high concentrations of dioecious plants

•  Hawaii (21% vs. 9% on BCI)

•  Relative to mainland

•  Dioecious = plants with either only male or female plants

•   Is there a reason for this?

–    Colonization?

–    Establishment?

–    Ecological need?

–    Expectation: monoecious plants would do better

•  More likely to have a single colonizer create an established colony

Dioecy Superabundance

•     Arrival Explanations

1. Dispersal syndrome hypothesis

•   Dioecious plants are better seed dispersers

–    More likely to have fruits

•     Establishment Explanations

2. Pollination syndrome hypothesis

•   Dioecious plants: pollinated by small generalist insects

•   Monoecious plants: pollinated by larger specialists

3. Growth form hypothesis

•   Woody, shrubby forms more likely on islands than mainlands

•   These lineages are more likely to be dioecious

•     Post-Establishment ΰ speciation

4. Enhanced survival hypothesis

•   Dioecious more likely to speciate

5. Autochthonous development hypothesis

•   Hermaphrodites initially, then selection for outcrossing, anagenesis

More Sexual Trends on Islands

•   Parthenogenetic lizards

–    More common on islands than mainland

–    May overcome founder effects & bottlenecks

•  Through polyploidy

•  Through greater likelihood of colonization

–   a.k.a. rescue effect

•  Through introgression and further hybridization

–   Introduces genetic variation into otherwise reduced genomes

Niche Shifts

•   Many trends common on island lineages relative to mainlands

–    Reduction in dispersal ability

–    Gigantism & nanism

–    Character displacement

–    Ecological release

–    Other patterns

•   Before these: Define niche


•   Definition?

1. The ecological role played by a species in a community

2. An n-dimensional hypervolume

•  Huh?

Niche =
N-dimensional Hypervolume

•    Dimensions are the limiting factors

–    pH, soil type, humidity, temperature, nesting space, mates, parasites, etc.

•  Fundamental niche

•  Along a series of resource gradients

–   Stressed at extremes or extreme combinations

•    Empty niches on islands?

–    Disharmonic biota?

Niche Shifts

•   Many trends common on island lineages relative to mainlands

–    Reduction in dispersal ability

–    Gigantism & nanism

–    Character displacement

–    Ecological release

–    Other patterns

Reduction in Dispersal Ability

•   Conflicting trends

–    Excellent dispersal ability needed to arrive

–    Poor dispersal abilities common on islands

•  Particularly on smaller islands

•  Characteristics:

–   Flightlessness
–   Reduction in wing size
–   Poor flight ability
–   Reluctant fliers

Reduction in Dispersal Ability: Examples

•   Tristan de Cuhna

–    18/20 endemic beetles reduced flight abilities

–    Descriptive data only

•   British Columbia coastal islands

–    200 in Barkley Sound

–    Trend in Asters over 8-10 years

•  Initially large dispersal ability

•  With increasing age on island θ decreased dispersal ability

•  Dispersal ability: ratio of seed (achene) to ball of fluff (pappus)

•   How does this come about? Why?

Explanations for Dispersal Reduction

•   Stronger fliers θ blown off island

•  Selecting against dispersal ability

•   Reduction in predation pressure

•  Reducing selection for flight ability as escape mech.

•  Energetically costly to maintain those muscles

•  Particularly among ground-feeding birds


Both will be more likely on smaller, windier islands

Gigantism & Nanism

•   Trends in the average organismal size

–    Gigantism: larger body size than mainland

–    Nanism: smaller body size than mainland

•   Example (Lomolino 1985):

–    Smaller mammals tend to be larger

–    Larger mammals tend to be smaller

Mechanisms for Gigantism

1. Predation hypothesis

–    Absence of large predators on islands

•  On mainlands, vertebrate predators remove larger individuals

–    Human influence has historically been longer on mainlands

–    Ecological release

2. Social-sexual hypothesis

–    Greater competition among insular community

–    Selects for larger and more showy individuals w/ecological release

3. Competition (Food Availability) Hypothesis

–    More competition θ larger body size

–    In accordance with ecological release

Mechanism for Nanism

•   Population and food availability hypothesis

–    Reduced resources on islands

•  Larger bodied individuals use more resources

–   To maintain viable population sizes

•  Smaller bodied individuals

–   Enabling larger population sizes
–   Given a constant amount of resources

Character Displacement

•   Examples

–    Niche shifts (shorter term ecological displacement)

–    Size polymorphisms (longer term evolutionary displacement)

•   Results from competition

•   Definition:

–    When competition causes two initially allopatric species to diverge from each other in some character upon attaining sympatry [or syntopy] (Diamond et al. 1989)

–    Components:

•  Separate evolutionary trajectories, divergence, dispersal event

Examples of Character Displacement

•   Anolis lizards in the Caribbean

–    Shifts in perch height & diameter

–    Due to competition

–    Greatest among closest related species

–    Greatest among those of similar size classes

•   Hawaiian crickets

–    Shifts in song type & diversity when species syntopic

•  Sympatric in the same habitats

Character Displacement and Speciation

•   Does not necessarily lead to speciation

–    May be a mechanism

–    Particularly for reinforcing incipient species limits

•   Usually only in effect where two species are in contact

–    Often short lived through time and through the year

•   Remove syntopy θ return to original char. values

Ecological Release

•   The antithesis of character displacement

–    Already discussed

•  E.g., as a mechanism for gigantism

–    Essentially is a removal of a negative selective pressure

•  Predation, competition, parasitism

Ecological Release Outcomes

•   Two possible outcomes of release

–    Decrease in intraspecific diversity

•  Loss of non-essential features

–   Flight, defensive traits, expensive camouflage patterning, diverse song types

•  Often due to predatory or parasitic release

–    Increase in intraspecific diversity

•  Removal of the selective forces canalizing the species

•  Often due to competitive release

Other Island Syndromes

•   Trend to weedy woodiness

•   Rodents and the “Island Form”

Trend to Weedy Woodiness

•    Common on Hawaii & remote islands

•    Lack of true trees

•    Probably due to typical colonizing species

•    Weedy woody plants: r-selected & better dispersers

–    Trees tend to be K-selected & poorer dispersers

Rodents and the “Island Form”

•    Characteristics of the rodent Island Form

–    Reduced dispersal ability (discussed earlier)

–    Greater body size (discussed earlier)

–    Reduced aggression

•  Possibly due to bottleneck of related individuals

–    Positive response to crowding

•  Isolation, reduced predation θ larger population size

•  Few large population cycles = Density Stasis

–    Lower reproductive output / individual

•  Response to crowding

–    Greater life expectancy

•  Reduced number of mortality agents

•    May be common to other small mammals on islands

Isolation and Population Density

•   Population density may increase with increasing isolation

–    Example: rodent Island Form

•   Common on

–    Strongly isolated islands

–    Small, but not too small, islands

•  Need to be able to maintain persistent populations

•  Need to not have many predators

–   To reduce the selective pressure on the population

For next week

•   Read

–    Ch 9 in Brown and Gibson Biogeography – “Reconstructing Biogeographic Histories”

•   Write

–    Compare 2 species in 2 dissimilar (but somewhat related) taxa with different responses to the same island

–    One taxon: increased intraspecific diversity on island

–    One taxon: decreased intraspecific diversity on island

–    Hypothesize as to why this was the case

•  Use the mechanisms discussed above