For a list of many great Chemistry sites on the web compiled by Professors Nick Turro (Columbia University) and Ron Rusay (Diablo Valley College/UC Berkeley), go to this Websters Chemistry Homepage.

Other interesting chemistry related links can be found on Ron Rusay's Presentation page.

Martindale has another great index of chemistry sites.

Other Chemistry Links of interest around the US.

Chemistry Goodies

Tom Poon's Chemistry Website

Dee's Organic Chemistry Page at Bucknell U

Colby College

University of Illinois, Chicago

University of Viginia (Slide show from Prof. Carey's University)


Extras that you may find useful for your computer and this class.

Rasmol is a structure viewing program intended for the visualisation of proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules. 
University of Sheffield's WebElements is an online periodic table that provides a great deal of information on each of the elements. 
CambridgeSoft Corporation's ChemFinder allows you to search for a wide range of chemical compounds. It gives 2d and 3d structures, properties, and pointers to more information. 
For Mass Spectrometry, here is a Table of Common Fragments and a Table of Common Fragment Losses
For NMR here is an NMR Periodic Table and a Table of Chemical Shifts
CambridgeSoft Corporation also offers a free, but limited, version of CS ChemOffice called CS ChemOffice Net. Included in this is ChemDraw and Chem3D. 
MDL Inc. gives ISIS/Draw free to educational users. It is very similar to ChemDraw and has many of the same capabilities. 
The ChemPuter offers a few chemistry calculators that perform common chemistry calculations. 
The American Chemical Society

Organic Molecule Databases
  • At the NIH Databases you can use Molecules R US, Drug Database, and PDB at a Glance
  • Link to the Hyperactive Molecules
  • Look for a protein structure at the Brookhaven Protein Database
  • You can find information and structures of amino acids at the Amino Acid Database
  • The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre