Choose a book, song, album, or movie title that you find puzzling, annoying, irrelevant, or otherwise inadequate. Then do the following:

First paragraph: Describe the title and the work it identifies, and explain why the title does not fit its subject. Assume your reader is not familiar with the work in question.

Second paragraph: Suggest a title that you feel is more fitting and logical, and explain why you think it is so. Explain how the new title avoids the problems of the original.

Third paragraph: Determine which of the two titles better fulfills the purpose of a "title," and explain why. Can a cryptic, irrelevant, or otherwise inadequate title still be effective? Does a title play a necessary role? Be sure your conclusion builds logically from what you've written in paragraphs 1 and 2.

Your essay should be 300-500 words. Remember to turn in 2 copies. Due Tues., Jan. 29.