
Note: The classes are designed to complement the textbooks. Therefore to get a full picture of the period, you must read the assigned readings rather than rely upon my lectures alone.

Required Books:
(On order at Labyrinth bookstore, copies are also available at the Barnard Reserves Desk.)

  • Mortimer Chambers et. al., The Western Experience, vol. B, Early Modern Europe. (McGraw-Hill)
  • Euan Cameron (ed.), Early Modern Europe: An Oxford History. (Oxford University Press)
  • Merry Wiesner, Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe. (Cambridge University Press)
  • Steven Ozment, The Burgemeister's Daughter: Scandal in a Sixteenth Century Town. (HarperPerrenial)
  • N. Z. Davis, The Return of Martin Guerre. (Harvard)

Recommended Readings:
(Copies at Barnard Reserves Desk)

Selections in H. Hillerbrand (ed.), The Pro testant Reformation.