7th-8th Centuries | Settlement of Slavs in East Europe |
800 | Charlemagne crowned first Holy Roman Emperor |
863-885 | Mission of St. Cyril and St. Methodius |
862 | The Varangian (Viking) Rurik becomes ruler of Novgorod |
882 | Oleg becomes ruler of Kiev |
860-1043 | Russian raids on Constantinople |
988 | Prince Vladimir baptizes Rus' |
1066 | Battle of Hastings |
1097 | The First Crusade Begins |
11th-12th Centuries | Kievan Rus' disintegrates into many parts |
1147 | Founding of Moscow |
1185 | Crusade of Prince Igor against the Kumans, later immortalized in "The Lay of Igor's Campaign" |
1206 | Genghis Khan assumes command of the Mongols |
1237-1241 | Invasion and conquest of Rus' by Batu Khan (grandson of Genghis) |
1240 | Alexander Nevsky's victory of the Swedes on the Neva River |
c. 1243 | Formation of the Golden Horde, of which northeastern Russia and Novgorod become tributaries |
1252 | Emergence of Moscow as an independent hereditary principality |
1318 | Prince Yury of Moscow acquires the Charter of the Grand Prince from the Mongols |
1325-1340 | Ivan I (Kalita, or "Moneybags"), prince of Moscow. Moscow begins rapid growth |
1360s-70s | Dynastic crises in Golden Horde, collapse of Mongol power in Iran and China |
1380 | Dmitri Donskoi defeats Mongols at Kulikovo |
1382 | Moscow sacked by Mongols |
1395 | Defeat of the Golden Horde by Tamerlane |
1408 | Principality of Moscow devasted by Golden Horde |
1439 | Council of Florence attempts to reunite eastern and western churches. Russian hierarchy rejects attempt. |
1448 | Church of Moscow declared autocephalous |
c. 1450 | Golden Horde disintegrates; formation of Kazan, Astrakhan, and Crimean principalities (khanates) |
1453 | Ottoman Turks capture Constantinople |
1463-68 | First limitations opon freedom of peasant movement |
1463-1514 | Moscow annexes: Yaroslavl', Perm, Rostov, Novgorod, Tver, Vyatka, Pskov, Smolensk |
1480 | Ivan III terminates the "Mongol Yoke" |
1484, 1489 | Massacres in Novgorod and deportation of its leading citizens to inland Russia. Annexation of Pskov in 1510 also followed by mass deportations. |
1533-84 | Rule of Ivan IV, the Terrible |
1547 | Ivan assumes the title, "Tsar." Marriage and coronation of Ivan IV. Fire of Moscow. |
1549 | First meeting of the Semskii sobor (Landed Assembly) |
1550s | First prikazy formed and reforms of local administration. Moscow constructs chain of stockades along the southern border and Russian colonization of the steppe begins |
1552 | Capture and annexation of Khanate of Kazan |
1556 | Conquest of Astrakhan |
1564 | First book printed in Moscow by Ivan Fedorov |
1565-1584 | Ivan IV's reign of terror |
1571-72 | Crimean Tatars raid and burn Moscow |
1577 | Establishment of commercial ties with Holland |
1589 | Formation of the office of patriarch in Moscow. Metropolitan is raised to rank of patriarch. |
1596 | Creation of Uniate Church in Poland-Lithuania |
1598 | End of the Riurik dynasty. End if the dynasty of Ivan Kalita. Coronation of Boris Godunov |
1601-04 | Years of famine |
1605 | Death of Boris Godunov and beginning of period of unrest |
1605-1613 | "Time of Troubles": Russia threatened with Polish and Swedish conquest. Ends with the accesstion of the Romanov dynasty. (Election of Michael Romanov by Semskii sobor in 1613) |
1649 | Zemskii sobor issues Sobornoye Ulozhenie (Code of Laws) |
1652-58 | Nikon as patriarch institutes his reforms |
1653 | Last full meeting of Zemskii sobor |
1654 | Ukrainian Cossacks swear allegience to the tsar of Moscow; Church Council adopts Nikon's reforms thereby causing a schism |
1654-67 | Russo-Polish war over Ukraine |
1666 | Establishment of postal service in Russia; Church Council deposes Patriarch Nikon. Synod condemns Nikon, but retains his reforms; beginning of schism (raskol). |
1667 | Poland cedes Kiev and Smolensk to Russia in the Peace of Andrusovo |
1670-71 | Revolt of Stenka Razin |
1676-81 | War with the Ottoman Empire and in the Crimea |
1682 | Death of Fedor III. After strel'tsy attack on the Kremlin Ivan V and Peter I are established as co-tsars. Beginning of hte regency of Sophia. Execution of Archpriest Avvakim. Mestnichestvo abolished. |
1696 | Death of Ivan V. Capture of Azov, after an unsuccessful attack in the previous year. Building of a naval squadron begins there. |
1697-98 | "Great Embassy" to western Europe. Peter visits the Netherlands, England, and Austria, but fails to secure help against the Ottoman Empire. |
1698 | Strel'tsy revolt breaks out and is savagely suppressed. |
1700 | Peace is made with the Ottoman Empire. Outbreak of war with Sweden, and great Russian defeat at Narva. Patriarch Adrian dies, but no successor is appointed; replaced by acting head of church. Abolition of patriarchate |
1703 | Peter founds St. Petersburg, foundations of new city laid. Vedomosti, Russia's first newspaper, published. |
1705 | Systematic conscription for the armed forces established, recruitment obligation instituted |
1707 | Great advance against Russia of Sweden's Charles XII begins. Outbreak of Cossack rising in the Don area, which lasts into the following year. St. Petersburg replaces Moscow as capital of Russia. |
1708 | Effort at reform of local administration by the creation of the gubernii and their subdivisions (followed by further changes, notably in 1715). The Swedes are defeated at the battle of Lesnaya but are joined by Cossack hetman Mazepa. |
1709 | Decisive Russian victory over Sweden at Poltava, followed by rapid rise in Russia's prestige and internatinoal standing. Construction of St. Petersburg begins. |
1710 | Russians take Livonia and Estonia |
1711 | Outbreak of war with the Ottoman Empire and Russian defeat on the Prut. Creation of the senate. Peter abolishes most trading monopolies. Boyar Duma replaced by the senate. |
1713 | Peace treaty with the Ottoman Empire |
1714 | Decree forbids subdivision of estates among the heirs when the holder dies. Edict requiring landowners to bequeath estates intact to a single heir. Kormleniya abolished and civil servants placed on a salary |
1717 | Peter's second journey to western Europe. He visits the Netherlands and Paris |
1718 | Creation of the administrative colleges starts. Unsuccessful peace negotiations with Sweden begin. Beginning of first "soul" census. Colleges replace prikazy. |
1721 | War with Sweden is ended by the treaty of Nystad. Peter assumes the title of emperor |
1722 | Table of Ranks promulgated. War with Perisa begins. Peter assumes the right to nominate his own successor. Succession law abolished: emperors free to choose successors. |
1724 | Catherine, Peter's second wife (married privately in 1707), is crowned as empress. "Soul" tax introduced. First comprehensive protective tariff. |
1725 | Death of Peter and accession of Catherine. Establishment of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg. |
1730 | Constitutional crisis; unsuccessful attempt by Supreme Privy Council to impose "Conditions" on Empress Anna. Inheritance laws of 1714 repealed. |
1736 | Compulsory state service limited to 25 years and may begin at age 20; one son of landlord may remain home. "Possessional" serfs attached in perpetuity to factories and mines. |
1755 | University of Moscow founded. |
1762 | "Manifesto of Dvoryanstvo Liberty" exempting dvoryanye (gentry) from compulsory state service. Church and monastic properties sequestered; law goes into effest in 1764. Most commercial and manufacturing monopolies (regalia) abolished. Law of 1721 allowing merchants to buy villages revoked. |
1762 | Catherine II, the Great, gains throne by coup d'etat; her husband, Peter II, is murdered. |
1767 | Legislative Commission convoked to draft new code of laws. |
1772 | First Partition of Poland |
1773-75 | Peasant and Cossack uprising under Yemelian Pugachev |
1775 | Provincial reform. All manufacturing activity open to all estates |
1785 | Charter of the Nobility and Charter of the Cities (April) |
1787-91 | War with the Ottoman Empire |
1790 | Publication of Radishchev's Journey, followed by his arrest. |
1793 | Second Partition of Poland |
1795 | Third Partition of Poland |
1802 | Reorganization of senate. Establishment of Ministries. |
1804 | Kharkov and Kazan universities founded. Statute on Jews |
1807 | Treaty of Tilset with Napoleon |
1809 | Abortive attempt to introduce civil service examinations. Conquest of Finland |
1812 | French invade Russia and take Moscow |
1814 | Paris taken and Tsar Alexander I enters in triumph |
1815 | Holy Alliance and Quadruple Alliance |
1825 | Decembrist Revolt |
1826 | Execution of conspirators; organization of political police (Third Section of Imperial Chancery). Censorship code |
1830-31 | Suppression of Polish revolt. Polish constitution abrogated |
1832 | Code of Laws issued |
1834 | Alexander Herzen banished to Vyatka. New radical intelligentsia from now on in conflict with censors and police. |
1836 | Publication of Chaadaev's First Philosophical Letter. Chaadaev declared insane by Nicholas I for his critique of Russian backwardness. |
1845 | Hereditary gentry restricted to top five ranks. Revised version of Criminal Code. |
1848 | Revolution in France, Austia, Italy and Germany. Chartist Petition in England. Publication of Marx's Communist Manifesto |
1851 | Opening of St. Petersburg-Moscow Railway |
1853-56 | Crimean War |
1861 | Emancipation of serfs. Formation of first revolutionary groups. |
1862 | Bismarck becomes chencellor of Prussia. Start of Russian railway boom |
1863 | Poland rebels. Leo Tolstoy begins War and Peace |
1863-64 | Reforms of lae, education, and local government (zemstva) |
1864-68 | Conquest of Central Asia |
1867 | Sale of Alaska to the United States |
1873-74 | First "Going to the People" movement |
1877-78 | Russo-Turkish war. Mass trials of radicals and revolutionaries |
1878-81 | Development of terrorist activity. Dynamiting of Winter Palace; wrecking of imperial trains |
1881 | Alexander II assassinated |
1881 | Reaction. Institution of Emergency Powers. Ascendancy of Pobedonostsev. Major edict concerning "Temporary Laws." |
1883 | Law requiring peasants to buy out their land allotment |
1887 | Execution of Lenin's brother for participating in attempt on Alexander III. Soul tax abolished. |
1890 | Famine |
1891 | Start of Trans-Siberian Railway |
1892-1903 | Sergei Witte revolutionizes industry, commerce, and transport |
1898 | Foundation of Marxist Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party |
1902 | Foundation of Socialist Revolutionary Party. Assassination of D. S. Sipyagin (minister of interior) |
1903 | Lenin splits Social-Democratic party into Bolshevik and Menshevik wings. Kishinev pogrom |
1904-05 | Russo-Japanese war |
1905 | Bloody Sunday (Jan. 9) Desturction of Russian fleet at Tsushima by Japanese (May). Assassination of Grand Duke Sergei. Abortive revolution (general strike; establishment of Soviets of Worker's Deputies; violent repression. Concession of representative assembly, or state duma, Oct. 17). Manifesto promising civil liberties and representative institutions. |
1906-1911 | The Stolypin era. Successive dumas convened and prorogued. Revolutionary agricultural reforms. Industrial progress. Rasputin gains ascendancy over Tsaritsa and Tsar. |
1907 | Anglo-Russian entente. Redemption payments and arrears canceled. |
1908 | Austria annexes Bosnia-Herzegovina |
1914-1917 | War with Germany and Austria |
1916 | Rasputin murdered (Dec) |
1917 | Nicholas I abdicates (Feb). Outbreak of revolution. Bolshevik seizure of power (Oct). Provisional government formed but duma takes over. |
1918 | Murder of former tsar and his family (July) |
House of Rurik - Princes of Moscow |
1263-1303 |
Daniel (son of Alexander I of Vladimir; prince of Moscow, 1263 or later) |
1303-1325 |
Yurii (son) |
1325-1340 |
Ivan I, Kalita ("moneybags") (brother) |
1340-1353 |
Simeon the Proud (son) |
1353-1359 |
Ivan II, the Gentle (brother) |
Grand Princes of Moscow-Vladimir |
1359-1389 |
Dimitri Donskoi (son) |
1389-1425 |
Basil I (son) |
1425-1462 |
Basil II, the Blind (son) |
1462-1505 |
Ivan III, the Great (son) |
1471-1490 |
Ivan the Younger (son; co-regent) |
1505-1533 |
Basil III (brother; co-regent 1502) |
Tsars of Russia |
1533-1584 |
Ivan IV, the Terrible (son; crowned tsar 1547) |
1584-1598 |
Theodore I (son) |
House of Godunov |
1598-1605 |
Boris Godunov |
1605 |
Theodore II (son) |
1605-1606 |
Dimitri (pretended son of Ivan IV) |
House of Shuiskii |
1606-1610 |
Basil IV Shuiskii (deposed, died 1612; interregnum 1610-13) |
House of Romanov |
1613-1645 |
Michael Romanov |
1645-1676 |
Alexis (son) |
1676-1682 |
Theodore III (son) |
1682-1696 |
Ivan V (brother) |
1682-1725 |
Peter I, the Great (brother, emperor 1721) |
1725-1727 |
Catherine I (widow) |
1727-1730 |
Peter II (grandson of Peter I) |
1730-1740 |
Anne (daughter of Ivan V) |
1740-1741 |
Ivan VI (maternal grandson of Catherine, sister of Anne; deposed, died 1764) |
1741-1762 |
Elizabeth (daughter of Catherine I and Peter I) |
House of Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov |
1762 |
Peter III (son of Anne, sister of Elizabeth, and Charles Frederick of Holstein-Gottorp; deposed, died 1762) |
1762-1796 |
Catherine II, the Great (widow) |
1796-1801 |
Paul I (son) |
1801-1825 |
Alexander I (son) |
1825-1855 |
Nicholas I (brother) |
1855-1881 |
Alexander II (son) |
1881-1894 |
Alexander III (son) |
1894-1917 |
Nicholas II (son; deposed, died 1918; provisional government, then Soviet rule) |
from The Wordsworth Handbook of Kings & Queens,
See also Appendix I, p. 629, in
Riasanovsky for the same info in family-tree format.
Boris Morozov - tutor of Tsar Alexei and important boiar. His corrupt
practices made him extremely unpopular and were the cause of violent riots in
Moscow in 1648.
Patriarch Philaret - a.k.a. Fedor Nikitich Romanov, father of Michael
Romanov, first Romanov tsar. Compelled to take monastic vows by Boris Godunov,
he was released by the first False Dmitri and made metropolitan of Rostov in
1606. Arrested and sent to Poland in 1611. Returned to Moscow when his son
Michael was elected tsar and was enthroned at patriarch in 1619. From that time
on he ruled Russia jointly with Tsar Michael.
Patriarch Nikon - His reforms created a schism in the Orthodox Church
and alienated a section of the clergy and of laymen (the Old Believers). The
reforms included the standardization of the ritual and the introduction of a
new prayer book (1654). Nikon aroused powerful opposition and was condemned by
a church council in 1666-7, deposed and confined to a monastery. His reforms
remained in place, however.
Semyon Polotskii - One of tsar Alexei
Mikhailovich's tutors, and a monk, preacher, playwright and
poet. Known mainly for the metrical innovations of his verse, which
was taken from Polish models. He had studied in Poland and brought to
Russia the influence of Polish and Classical arts and literature.
Boris Golitsyn - Tutor of Peter the Great, also helped him come to
power and was in charge of the administration in lower Volga region. Alcoholic,
and rather despotic.
Basil (or Vasily) Golitsyn - Statesman in charge of
foreign affairs under the regent Sofiia (also her lover, and real
ruler during her regency). Assited in the reorganization of military
service and abolition of mestnichestvo.
Alexei Petrovich Romanov - Son of Peter the
Great, removed from the succession in favor of Peter's second
wife, Catherine, because Alexei "refused to serve the
state." Later, Peter was behind Alexei's murder.
Demidov - Urals manufacturer under Peter the
Great. Fabulously wealthy, and famous for his cruel treatment of
Ivan Mazepa - Ukrainian Hetman from 1687. Conspired with
the Polish and Swedish kings to overthrow Peter, and supported Charles
XII's invasion of Ukraine. Defeated at the battle of Poltava in
Feofan Prokopovich - Ukrainian theologian and
archibishop. Summoned to Saint Petersburg by Peter the Great in 1716
to assist in both ecclesiastical and secular reforms. See the
Ecclesiastical Regulations in Cracraft.
Alexander Menshikov - Close friend to Peter the
Great. Rose from obscure origins to become extremely wealthy statesman
and field marshal, and later ruled Russia during the reign of
Catherine I and the minority of Peter II. Eventually banished to
Siberia due to court intrigue.
Charles XII - Ruled Sweden 1697 to 1718, led the
Swedish Army during the Great Northern War with Russia, beginning with
a major Russian defeat at Narva in 1700, and ending with the Russian
victory at Poltava in 1709.
Sofiia Alekseevna - Regent of Russia from 1682 to
1689, during the minority of Peter and Ivan V. Daughter of Alexei
Mikhailovich and well educated by Semën Polotsk. Her lover, Vasily
Golitsyn, mostly ruled for her during her regency.
Anna Ioannovna (sometimes spelled Ivanovna) - Daughter of
Ivan V (Peter the Great's sickly co-tsar, and thus niece to
Peter). She married the duke of Courland in 1710, and he died soon
thereafter. She was elected empress by the Supreme Privy Council on
the condition that she accept a number of provisions ("points,"
punkty ) curtailing her powers. She accepted, but upon her arrival
in Moscow -- where she found support from the guards regiments and the
lesser nobility, who were suspicious of the powerful old families
represented on the Supreme Privy Council -- she violated the agreement
and took total power into her own hands. She then proceeded to devote
herself to luxury while letting her German advisors run the state.
Dolgorukii family - Very old, very wealthy, very powerful
noble family. Prince Vasily was on the Supreme Privy Council that
attempted to impose conditions on Anna Ioannovna, and a Princess
Dolgorukaia was engaged to marry Peter II, but he died of smallpox in
1729, forcing the "crisis" of 1730.
Vasily Tatishchev - Historian, administrator and
geographer. Advisor to Peter the great and supporter of Anna Ioannovna
during the 1730 crisis.
Ernst Johann Biron (Buhren) - German favorite of Anna
Ioannovna. Her lover from 1727, made a grand chamberlain and
count. Extremely unpopular owing to his vindictive and corrupt
character. Regent for three weeks after Anna's death, he was deposed
and banished to Siberia. Allowed to return under Peter III.
Count Bartolommeo Rastrelli - Court architect under Empress
Elizabeth. Built several Baroque palaces for the Romanovs (the Winter
Palace in St. Petersburg, Peterhof, and the Catherine Palace in
Tsarskoe Selo) as well as the Smolny convent.
Alexander Sumorokov - Playwright, journalist, literary
critic, and man of letters. In 1756 he was director of the first
permanent theater in Russia. His style mimics French neoclassical
Denis Fonvizin - First Russian playwright, noted for his
comedies, many of which satirized the Gallomania of Russian elite
Mikhail Lomonosov - Poet and scientist, sometimes called
the father of modern Russian literature. As an assistant professor at
the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, he did research in the
principles of matter and partially anticipated the atomic theory of the
structure of matter. He established the first chemical laboratory in
Russia and wrote the first Russian grammar. He also wrote a history of
Russia and altered the character of Russian prosody by adopting tonic
versification in his poetry. He has long been venerated in Russia as a
symbol of Russian creative genuis.
(Y)Emelian Pugachëv - Cossack leader of a revolt
during Catherine II's reign. Declaring himself Emperor Peter III in
1773, he issued a manifesto promising to free the serfs. Pugachev won
widespread support in the Volga area and in the Urals, but the revolt
was eventually crushed and he was executed. Hundreds of estates were
looted and burned during the revolt, and the landlords with their
families often suffered violents at the hands of the peasant. The
specter of this revolt hung for a long time over the minds of the
provincial gentry, making the prospect of a peasant emancipation
almost impossible.
Count Nikita Panin - Statesman and diplomatic advisor to
Catherine the Great. Appointed to supervise the Grand Duke Paul's
education in 1760 and supported Catherine's coup in 1762. Later led a
circle of intellectuals in support of Catherine's Nakaz, or
Nikolas Novikov - Writer and publisher, seminal figure in
the early printing industry in Russia. He edited and published four
periodicals, including "The Drone," which satirized the idleness of
the gentry and engaged in a running debate with Catherine's own journal
on issues of the day, until Catherine became displeased with his views
and began to shut down his journals, one after the other. He took over
the Moscow University Press in 1778, but it was closed by Catherine in
1791 and he was later imprisoned. He was released upon the accession
of Paul I.
Alexander Radishchev - His Journey from St. Petersburg
to Moscow exposes the injustices of serfdom and earned him the
death sentence. This was commuted to 10 years' exile in Siberia, where
he continued his literary activity. Following the death of Catherine
the Great, Radishchev was permitted to return and in 1801 served on
the commission for the codification of laws. He committed suicide in
1802, despairing that he was unable to effect any real change in the
lot of the serfs.
Nikolai Novosil'tsev -
Viktor Kochubei -
Count Pavel Stroganov -
Prince Adam Czartoryski -
Michael Speransky -
N. M. Karamzin -
Professor Pavlov -
Schelling -
Aleksei Arakcheev -
Alexander Golitsyn -
(If you're viewing this in frames and have trouble with the table, try
right-clicking, then open the frame in a new window, and maximize that window.
If all else fails, see the simplified hierarchy below.)
Civil Hierarchy |
Church Hierarchy |
Civil Urban Hierarchy |
The Tsar and his Family *** Upper Service Class
*** Middle Service Class
*** Lower Service Class
*** Peasants
*** Bondmen
- Patriarch - Metropolitans - Archbishops - Bishops - Monastery heads - archimandrites (in important monasteries, or overseeing several) - Monastery fathers superior - Archdeacons - Monastery cellarers - Monastery treasurers - Cathedral elders - Elders - Monks - Priests - Deacons - Servants |
- Gosti (merchants of the first guild) - Gostinaya sotnya (merchants of the second guild) - Sukonnaya sotnya (merchants of the third guild) - Townsmen (posadskie liudi) - Dependents (zakladchiki) |
(adapted from Richard Hellie. Muscovite Society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1967)
Or, in incredibly simplified terms:
- Tsar and family
- Boyars (old princely families) and other high nobility (the Patriarch and
metropolitans fit in somewhere around here in status)
- Lesser nobility, landed gentry (many very poor, constituting middle service
class) (also, Monastery officials and monks)
- Soldiers, merchants, most clergymen, landed peasants
- Serfs, or peasants bound to land and lord (by 1649, very fine line between
serfs and slaves)
(This hierarchy remains essentially the same throughout the Imperial period,
except that the term 'boyar' or 'boiar' is no longer in use after Peter the
Great abolishes the Boyar Council and institutes the Table of Ranks.)
Some terms you will encounter frequently in lecture and readings:
chernozëm - lit. "black soil" - the region with the most
productive soil for agriculture (mostly Ukraine)
zemskii sobor - "Assembly of the Land" - an occasional
gathering of boyars, clergy, gentry, and sometimes burghers and peasants,
called by Muscovite tsars to consider matters of special importance. Abandoned
by Peter the Great.
vlast' - "power" - has very strong, often forbidding,
connotations in Russian
prikazy - "chancelleries" - departments of the Muscovite
government, headed by a boyar or okolnich. There were many.
boiars - members of the medieval Russian aristocracy in the
16th and 17th centuries, as distinguished from the service nobles,
"pomeshchiki." Boiars received their titles from the
tsars, headed important offices, and participated in the Boiar duma,
an advisory council.
pomestiia - estates held on service tenure. In the early 18th
century and later, the term is used more generally to describe estates
owned by nobles (largely replacing the term votchina, meaning
inherited, privately owned land).
strel'tsy - "musketeers" - a military corps
established by Ivan the Terrible and holding special
privileges. Abolished by Peter the Great after an uprising.
duma - council, or later parliament. There is a "State
Duma" in the Russian government today, composed of an upper and
lower house.
Rossiia - term adopted after the 17th-century annexations of
Ukraine ("Little Rus'") and Belorussia ("White
Russia") to "Great Russia". The adjective is
"rossiskii," generally connoting empire, or "all the
Russias," including many ethnicities beyond that connected with
the Muscovite state, as opposed to "russkii" meaning ethnic
Russianness or having to do only with Russia proper
Rus' - term for the state / nation originally centered around
Kiev, and then around Moscow.
raskol' - "schism" - generally refers to the Great
Schism following Patriarch Nikon's reforms in 1666.
raskol'niki - "schismatics" - or Old Believers, followers of
the pre-Nikon Church.
mestnichestvo - "system of places" - by which
appointment of court officials, ambassadors, and army officials
depended upon inherited rank and status. Records of genealogical
tables were burned in 1682, thus abolishing mestnichestvo.
dvoryanstvo - "gentry" - a dvoryanin is a gentleman
(in terms of class, if not character), dvoryanye, is plural
gubernii - "provinces" - an administrative unit
introduced by Peter the Great and abolished by the Soviet government
in 1923
kormlenie - "feeding" - a system of local
administration prevalent from the 14th through the 16th century, under
which local administrators, who were appointed from Moscow, received
payments in kind from the local population.
patronymic - see below.
tatar / tartar - Turkic-speaking descendants of the
Golden Horde Mongols. Tatars settled along the central section of the
Volga, in the Crimean peninsula and other areas in the 15th
century. The term "tatar" was often used to refer more
widely to all the nomadic tribes of the Asian deserts and
steppes. From the fifth to the ninth century, the Tatars were
predominantly farmers, but from the 18th century onward,
became renowned as traders.
primogeniture - the principle of succession by the
eldest male heir. Was the tacit tradition in Russian and other
monarchies, but Peter the Great overturned it with his own succession
law (the first written law of succession in Russia), allowing the tsar
to designate his own successor (see Cracraft)
Preobrazhenskoe - a village near Moscow where Peter
the Great spent time with his play regiments as a child. Later one of
the senior guards infantry regiments in the Imperial Army was named
the Preobrazhensky. The word "preobrazhensk" in Russian
means "transfiguration."
Semënov, Semyonnovsky Regiment - Another village of
Peter's childhood, from which is derived the name of an élite
Guards regiment.
The Bronze Horseman - Famous statue in Petersburg by
French sculptor Falconet, commissioned by Catherine the Great. See
Pushkin's famous poem of the same name.
Voronezh - Town 300 miles south of Moscow where
Peter established a shipbuilding industry during the Azov campaign in
Azov - River port at the mouth of the Don river,
guarding access to the Black Sea. The port was subject to Turkey from
1471, and won briefly by Peter, only to be lost again. It became
Russian finally under Catherine the Great in 1774.
Poltava - Ukrainian town on the Vorskiya river, near
which the Battle of Poltava took place on July 8, 1709, ending the
Great Northern War with Sweden.
Narva - Town situated on the Gulf of Finland in
present-day Estonia. Possession was contested between Sweden and
Russia - it was the site of a great defeat for Russia in 1700,
which spurred Peter onto many military reforms. It was captured by
Peter in 1714.
Tula - Town in central European Russia, and site of
an arms factory built by Peter in 1712 and always a center of the
Russian metallurgical industry. Small arms were being produced in Tula
before Peter declared war on Sweden.
Holy Synod - The administrative organ of the Russian
Orthodox Church, founded by Peter on the Lutheran model in 1720. The
establishment of the Synod placed church affairs firmly under
the state, and meant that they were often administered by lay
The Twelve Colleges - Administrative structure
established by Peter, meant to replace the characteristically chaotic
and corrupt prikazy system with one based on order and reason. The
colleges were also corrupt, but they did somewhat rationalize the
arrangment of administrative departments within the central
Senate - Administrative body composed of officials
chosen by virtue of service rather than birth (at least in theory), as
opposed to the old boiar duma.
Procurator General - highest (and very powerful)
administrative office, established by Peter the Great.
shliaketstvo (based on the Polish Szłachta) -
Petrine term for gentry, or aristocracy, later replaced by the
Russian "dvorianstvo."
Treaty of Nystad / Nyshtadt - Treaty between Russia
and Sweden of September 10, 1721 concluding the Great Northern
War. Sweden ceded to Russia several Baltic territories, while Russia
retained Vyborg but returned the rest of Finland to Sweden. Peter the
Great formally assumed the title of emperor (imperator)
after the ratification of the treaty. Russia replaces Sweden as the
great power in the Baltic.
blagorodnyi(noble) versus podlyi (base)
- class distinction with ethical connotations.
terem - Term for the part of a noble Muscovite
household where women were sequestered. Peter forced Muscovite noble
women to appear in public and to wear (much more revealing) western
dress, and generally gave them a much more prominent and positive role
in society.
assemblé (the French term, used in Russian) - Social
gatherings Peter imposed on the nobility by state decree, in which
rank order was not observed and women participated fully. Nobles were
to dress and behave with western manners.
ex nihilo - Latin for "out of nothing,"
often applied by pro-Petrine historians to describe the sweeping
quality of Peter's reforms, which created a modern, European
Russia "out of nothing," as opposed to historians who
believe Peter's reforms either (a) were merely a progression in
the series of changes already taking place throughout the
17th century, or (b) represent a break from and denial of a
previous Russia whose unique qualities were (tragically) subsumed by
the westernization and modernization processes Peter began.
repartitional commune - distribution of land depending on
tax-paying ability. I.e., those households (each containing an
extended family) who can / must pay more taxes, are given more
land. The commune redistributes land accordingly each year.
dvor - lit. "court," "yard," and of course "courtyard."
Also refers to a household, as in the peasant household, an extremely
important unit in the commune system.
starosta - "elder," an elected office, putting the holder
in charge of the commune (with the help of a small group of other
villagers, similarly elected) for a term of a few years. A very
desirable office, as it put the holder in the way of a lot of bribes.
nakaz - "instruction," the Nakaz was Catherine's
"Instruction to the Nobility," a document stating her principles of
law and government, according to which a committee was to formulate
and codify Russian laws. The committee came to naught, but the Nakaz
was published widely at home and abroad (in several languages), and
made a big impression on contemporaries. Catherine's views were
largely borrowed - sometimes word for word - from Western
Enlightenment thinkers like Montesquieu, Baccariat, etc.
zakonnost' - the principle of "legality," from the Russian
root "zakon," meaning legislative measure or fundemental law. Russian
law had not been codified since the law code of 1649 (and wouldn't be
until the reign of Nicholas I), and courts functioned more according
to custom, corruption, or whim than according to state law. The
principle of zakonnost' put forward by Catherine in her Nakaz and
supported by intellectuals like those of the Panin circle was the
notion that the "Enlightened monarchy" they envisioned for Russia (as
opposed to the "absolute monarchy" of Peter the Great) would rest on
an organized, rational code of laws, not so much restraining the
monarchy but imposing order and reason on the bureacracy,
which in turn was presupposed to be toward the "general good" of the
The Unofficial Committee
Free Agriculturist Law
military colonies
A Very Short Course on the Russian
The ending "nost'" is another common noun-ending, usually denoting a big idea or concept, as in zakonnost' (legality) and sobornost' (the philosophical concept of community, from the root "sobor" as in "zemskii sobor," the Assembly of the Land - see the works of philosopher Vladimir Soloviev [son of the famous historian Sergei Soloviev] if you're interested in the idea of sobornost' - there's a great three-volume collection of Russian Philosophy edited by Edie, Scanlon, Kline, et al.)
Send problems and suggestions to Kate Pickering, [email protected]