Examination TechniqueA thorough examination is necessary to obtain a correct clinical endodontic diagnosis. The various steps during the examination are: 1. Anamnesis (patient's history): The patient's history is always important. Usually it is wise to ask about the patient's local history and complaints first, and after that get the general anamnesic information. It is better to write too much than too little - please remember that the chart is a legal document.
LISTEN TO THE PATIENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2. Visual examination--intra- and extra-oral inspection: Look for swellings, both extraorally and intraorally. 3. Clinical examination: "Mirror and explorer." Look for caries, missing fillings, cracks, discolorations, fistulas etc. Palpation will reveal tenderness in extraoral as well as intraoral tissues. Palpate regional lymph nodes, crowns of teeth, periapical areas (apical tenderness) both facially and lingually or palatally. Percussion is carried out gently with a solid instrument, e.g., mirror handle. A positive answer reveals a tenderness in periradicular tissues. 4. Radiographic examination: Radiographic examination is a valuable diagnostic tool. Periapical inflammations usually result in changes in the bony tissue and these can be diagnosed radiographically. In the early stages of a periapical inflammation the bone resorption may not have reached a size that is necessary for radiographic "visibility". Further information can be gained from the radiograph by means of radiopaque materials, e.g., a gutta-percha point placed in a fistula. (This is a way of tracing the origin of the fistula or sinus tract - fistulography). 5. Sensitivity testing: Test the ability of the pulpal nerves to register stimulation. A possible answer can mostly be considered as a sign of pulp vitality (functioning circulation, etc.). Sensitivity testing can be carried out in different ways:
Note: Mechanical testing is often the best way. If there is a carious lesion, start excavating the decay without anesthesia--if the pulp is vital you will soon get a response. (In some instances a test cavity -you drill intentionally into the tooth to get a response - has to be made in order to make an evaluation of tooth vitality possible). If it is not possible to carry out mechanical testing continue to other test methods, e.g., cold test and electric pulp test. If possible use a combination of tests such as cold and electric tests. *Always start the test procedure by testing an "innocent" tooth.* This will make it possible to evaluate the patient's reaction to the test procedure. Information from the patient in combination with clinical and/or radiographic findings will give the information on which the diagnoses will be based. |