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About CourseWorks@Columbia

CourseWorks@Columbia is a service provided by Academic Information Systems (AcIS) and the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning (CCNMTL), in close coordination with Columbia University Libraries and Health Sciences Center for Academic Information Technology (CAIT)

CourseWorks System Architecture

CourseWorks@Columbia is built upon three Sun Solaris 4500 Enterprise servers, Network Applicance for course file storage and Sun Storedge local RAID storage for database storage. It uses the Prometheus course management system, Cold Fusion, and the Oracle database system. All equipped is operated and maintained by Academic Information Systems (AcIS) in the central machine room.

If you would like to learn more about CourseWorks@Columbia, you may send E-mail to [email protected], or call the AcIS help desk at 212-854-1919

CAIT Library
Medicine Dentistry PubHealth Courseworks