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Maximus R.
Born to a 32 year old primagravida
Fetal distress (bradycardia) during labor
C-section-meconium noted at membrane rupture
Apgar scores 1 and 6 ( at 1 and 5 minutes)
Persistent hypoxia despite FiO2 1.0 (pO2 >700)
IPPV initiated without significant increase in pO2
pH 7.30, pCO2 48, pO2 38, HCO3 22
Diagnosis: persistent fetal circulation

Composition of Meconium
Sloughed intestinal epithelial cells
Swallowed amniotic debris (hair, vernix)
Squamous epithelial cells
Pancreatic lipases and proteases
Bile acids and salts
Sucus entericus
White blood cells

Maximus R.
Born to a 32 year old primagravida
Fetal distress (bradycardia) during labor
C-section-meconium noted at membrane rupture
Apgar scores 1 and 6 ( at 1 and 5 minutes)
Persistent hypoxia despite FiO2 1.0 (pO2 >700)
IPPV initiated without significant increase in pO2
pH 7.30, pCO2 48, pO2 38, HCO3 22
Diagnosis: persistent fetal circulation

Components of the Apgar Score
Sign  0 1 2
Heart rate     Absent           <100       >100
Respiration      Absent      Irregular     Good cry
Color              Cyanotic     Acrocyanosis     Pink
Tone      Limp           Minimal         Active
Reflex     Absent         Minimal       Active

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