
This section demonstrates the appearances of the major inflammatory cells involved in acute and chronic inflammation as well as examples of specific inflammatory diseases. Review this section to refresh your knowledge of basic histology.

I - 1
Neutrophils I - 9 Eosinophils: Liver Transplant Rejection
I - 2
Fibrinous Exudate I -10 Granulomas: Pulmonary TB
I - 3 Neutrophil Margination I -11 Granulomas: Caseating TB Granuloma

I - 4 Bronchopneumonia I -12 Granulomas: Noncaseating Sarcoid Granuloma in Liver
I - 5 Abscess I -13 Atherosclerosis of the Aorta
I - 6 Pulmonary Edema I -14 Thrombus in Aorta at Bifurcation
I - 7 Lymphocytes: Chronic Hepatitis I -15 Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation: Skin
I - 8 Plasma Cells: Autoimmune Hepatitis I -16 Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation: Glomerulus