Male Reproductive System: Answers

#56 Testis and Epididymis, Human, Adult, H&E

Why are the Leydig cells eosinophilic?
They contain numerous mitochondria.


  1. What is the effect of castration on the accessory sex glands (prostate and seminal vesicles)?
  2. Where is the primary source of testosterone in the testis?
    The Leydig cells.
  3. Where is the principal site of storage of spermatozoa in the male reproductive system?
  4. Which organs are the major sources of seminal fluid?
    Seminal vesicle, prostate gland, bulbo-urethral.
  5. What are the components of the blood-testis barrier and what is its significance?
    Tight junctions between Sertoli cells isolate developing sperm from the vasculature (prevent their immunological rejection).
