Penis with Penile Urethra

#55 Corpus Spongiosum, Human or Rabbit, H&E

    Open with WebViewer #55 Corpus Spongiosum, Human or Rabbit, H&E

The corpora cavernosa have been dissected away from the rest of the penis. The central penile urethra, is surrounded by blood-filled vascular sinuses that comprise the erectile tissue of the corpus spongiosum. Examine the lining epithelium of the penile urethra, and note that in general it has a stratified columnar or stratified cuboidal appearance. Mucous-secreting urethral glands (of Littre) can be identified as local recesses of the lumen. Study the erectile tissue surrounding the urethra, and observe that the trabeculae between blood sinuses contain smooth muscle and connective tissue fibers. The connective tissue capsule surrounding the corpus spongiosum is not as thick as that surrounding the corpora cavernosa of the penis.
