== TABLE 205i ==

Provincial Composition of the Indian Army, 1943

Province  Percentage  Province  Percentage 
1. Punjab  50  7. Bengal Presidency 
2. U. P.  15  8. C. P. & Berar    -- 
3. Madras Presidency  10  9. Assam   
4. Bombay Presidency  10  10. Bihar    -- 
5. N. W.F. Province  11. Orissa    -- 
6. Ajmere & Merwara  12. Nepal 

== TABLE 205j ==

Communal Composition of the Indian Army, 1943

1. Muslims 35 p.c.
2. Hindus & Gurkhas 50 p.c.
3. Sikhs 10 p.c.
4. Christians and The Rest 6 p.c.

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