A Stranger In The City: The Poetics of Sabk-i Hindi

by Shamsur Rahman Faruqi


*the article in PDF form*
[if you have a slow connection, please allow for the fact that it's unusually long]

The original texts cited in the article have been provided here as jpg page images:

*Persian and Urdu texts, to p. 22*
*Persian and Urdu texts, to p. 25*
*Persian and Urdu texts, to p. 32*
*Persian and Urdu texts, to p. 37*
*Persian and Urdu texts, to p. 40*
*Persian and Urdu texts, to p. 48*
*Persian and Urdu texts, to p. 54*

*Annual of Urdu Studies version
(vol. 19, 2004) in PDF form*



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