


jis sar ko ;Guruur aaj hai yaa;N taaj-varii kaa
kal us pah yahii;N shor hai phir nau;hah-garii kaa

1) the head that has arrogance today, here, about royalty/'crown-possession'
2) tomorrow upon it, only/emphatically here, is then/again the tumult/clamor of lamentation



;Guruur : ''A thing by which one is deceived'; pride, haughtiness, vanity, vainglory'. (Platts p.770)


shor : 'Cry, noise, outcry, exclamation, din, clamour, uproar, tumult, disturbance'. (Platts p.736)

S. R. Faruqi:

The opening-verse is put in only for by way of introduction [baraa-e bait]. There's nothing special in it. Though indeed, the repetition of 'is' in both lines is very fine.



Yes, as SRF observes, the two 'is' verbs emphasize the unremarkableness of such radical ups and downs in human life, as the wheel of fortune turns. The 'head' is what physically wears the crown, and mourners also assemble at the 'head' of the deceased person's bier. The emphasis created by yaa;N in the first line and yahii;N in the second also emphasizes the similarity: both the arrogance and the mourning are experienced by, or over, just the same head, 'here' in this transient world.

And when we think further about that 'then, again' [phir], it also resonates with the kal , which of course can mean 'yesterday' as easily as 'tomorrow', through only a small change in the verb.