


;Gala:t thaa aap se ;Gaafil gu;zarnaa
nah samjhe ham kih us qaalib me;N tuu thaa

1) it was a mistake to pass, heedless(ly), from/beyond our own self
2) we didn't understand that in that frame/form/mold, You were



qaalib : 'A mould, model, form, prototype; (shoemaker's) last; material (of a thing); frame, figure, bust; the body'. (Platts p.786)

S. R. Faruqi:

It's clear that this verse rests on the famous saying of Hazrat Ali, that 'The one who recognized himself, recognized the Lord'. But the word qaalib is very meaningful. It means 'frame, form' (that is, body), and also 'mold' and 'model, specimen' as well. Then qaalib is used for a lifeless body, and also for anything in which, or by means of which, something else is made.

Thus the human form is a qaalib , on the pattern of which thousands and hundreds of thousands of humans come into being. But this qaalib isn't lifeless, but rather in truth is a specimen of that Absolute Existence.

Another point is that if one wouldn't consider this body to be an image of the divine being, then it's only a 'mold'-- that is, it's a lifeless body. In Persian Mir has composed it like this:

'I committed an error, when I remained outside/beyond myself
I didn't know that in this shape/frame is the Lord.'



I have nothing special to add.