


shab ga))e the baa;G me;N ham :zulm ke maare hu))e
jaan ko apnii gul-e mahtaab angaare hu))e

1) last night we had gone into the garden, stricken by tyranny/cruelty
2) to our spirit/life, the 'roses of moonlight' became glowing coals



gul-e maah-taab : 'The shadow falling in moonlight from the leaves of trees; a rose blooming at night (in India)'. (Steingass p.1093)


angaaraa : 'Heated charcoal, a live coal, fire, firebrand, a bit of fire, cinder, spark; burning matter'. (Platts p.96)

S. R. Faruqi:

The opening-verse is by way of introduction, and is devoid of pleasure. A gul-e mahtaab or gul-e chaa;Ndnii is a strongly-scented thick-petalled white flower that opens/blooms on a bush with thick shining leaves. Since it blooms abundantly, if lots of flowers would be open on the bush, then it seems that here and there lamps are burning. Mir has used this flower as a metaphor for the beloved in a much better verse in the first divan itself [{446,7}]:

us mah ke jalve se kuchh taa miir yaad deve
ab ke gharo;N me;N ham ne sab chaa;Ndnii hai bo))ii

[from the radiance/appearance of that moon, Miir, so that it would be a reminder,
now in the houses we have everywhere sown 'moonlight']

In Platts' dictionary the meaning of gul-e chaa;Ndnii has been given correctly, but gul-e mahtaab has not been entered. [Further reports on dictionaries.] For additional discussion, see {757,3}.

In the present verse, a subtle kind of pleasure is that both the moonlight and the 'rose of moonlight' are particularly cool, but here they have been called 'glowing coals'.



I have nothing special to add.