


be-yaar ;haif baa;G me;N dil ;Tuk bahal gayaa
de gul ko aag chaar :taraf mai;N nah jal gayaa

1) without the beloved-- alas, in the garden the heart was a bit diverted/cheered
2) burn up the roses-- in all four directions-- I didn't burn up!



aag denaa : 'To set fire (to), apply a light or torch (to); to burn, consume, destroy'. (Platts p.69)


chaar :taraf : 'On all sides, all round, everywhere'. (Platts p.417)


jalnaa : 'To burn; to be burnt; to be on fire; to be kindled, be lighted; to be scorched, be singed; to be inflamed, to be consumed; to be touched, moved, or affected (with pity, &c.); to feel pain, sorrow, anguish, &c.; to burn or be consumed with love, or jealousy, or envy, &c.; to take amiss, be offended, be indignant; to get into a passion, be enraged, to rage'. (Platts p.387)


jal jaanaa : '(intens.) To be burnt up, be consumed'. (Platts p.387)

S. R. Faruqi:

In the state of separation, upon feeling some attraction toward any other thing (or any other individual), or after diverting the heart with any other individual0, the shame and repentance that result-- he has drawn a fine picture of them.

It's not at all necessary that by baa;G should be intended only a garden. 'Garden' can be a metaphor for any enjoyable place, or any heart-beguiling face/aspect. The wordplay of 'garden' with setting the rose on fire, and the mention of himself burning, is fine.

'In four directions' can be related either to setting the rose on fire, or to himself burning.



Here we bounce back and forth among the literal meanings of aag denaa , 'to set fire to' and jal jaanaa , 'to burn up', and their metaphorical and idiomatic senses-- aag denaa as 'to destroy', with strong overtones of a curse, 'to hell with it' etc.), and jalnaa as used to express sorrow, anger, passion, with jal jaanaa as its extreme, terminal form (see the definitions above). Moreover, the color of the red rose is fiery, and when in bloom it may be said to 'blaze up' briefly before dying.

SRF notes the double valence of chaar :taraf . It seems to fit better for the roses (located 'all around' the speaker) rather than for the speaker himself (all four sides of him didn't burn up?); but we could well take it as suggesting that several 'sides' or aspects of the speaker did indeed 'burn up', but perhaps one remained, which is what allowed him to be so shamefully 'diverted' in the first place.