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APPENDIX I: Articles required in an out-fit [[527-535]]


[[527]] 72 Chemises.
36 Night Gowns.
36 Night Caps.
3 Flannel Petticoats.
12 Middle ditto, without bodies.
12 Slips.
36 Pr. Cotton Stockings.
24 Pr. Silk ditto.
2 Pr. Black Silk ditto.
18 White Dresses.
6 Coloured ditto.
6 Evening ditto.
60 Pocket Handkerchiefs.
4 Dressing Gowns.
Silk Pelisse.
3 Bonnets.
12 Morning Caps.
24 Pr. Long Gloves.
24 Pr. Short Gloves.
[[528]] 4 Corsets.
6 Pr of Sheets.
6 Pillow Cases.
36 Towels.
A Cot, and a Couch.
Pieces of Ribbon.
Dressing Box.
Leather Writing Desk.
Bullock Drawers. For the Cabin.
Washing Table. For the Cabin.
Chair. For the Cabin.
Swinging Table. For the Cabin.
Ladies would find Black the most convenient wear during the voyage.
Everything that is not to be used on board should be carefully packed in tin cases.
Biscuits, Bristol and Waters, and Preserves, are entirely left to the decision of the lady.
1 Cot.
1 Hair Mattress and Bolster.
1 Feather Pillow.
l Pr. of Blankets,
l Coloured Counterpane.
The whole of these must be taken on shore, as they will be found to answer better than any Country ones.
4 Pr. of Calico Sheets.
8 Pillow Cases.
[[529]] 6 Doz. Calico Shirts. These must be quite plain.
1 Doz. Night Caps.
3 Doz. pair of 1/2 brown Cotton Stockings. Brown are recommended, being somewhat cheaper, and much stronger for wearing under boots.
5 Pr. of White Jean Trowsers.
6 White Jean Jackets.
6 Ditto, Waistcoats.
These should be reserved for India: they will be required immediately, on arrival.
24 Coloured Pocket Handkerchiefs. These should not be given away, as they will be found very useful in the Country.
24 White Pocket Handkerchiefs,
3 Black Silk Handkerchiefs.
3 Ditto, Stocks.
6 Pr. of Calico Pantaloon Drawers.
2 Pr. White Silk Stockings.
24 Towels. Can be procured in India, but not much cheaper than in Europe.
8 Yards of Flannel. No one should commence wearing it till they are advised so to do in India: in many cases it has been found of great benefit.
2 Blue Camlet dresses for Voyage,
1 Blue Cloth Cap for ditto.
1 Blue Cloak. This should be made either of Cloth or Camlet, lined with red; it will be found of great service.
1 Set Shoe Brushes.
2 Clothes ditto.
8 Tooth ditto.
1 Hat ditto.
1 Pr. Boot-hooks.
[[530]] 1 Boot-jack.
4 Bullock Trunks. These will prevent a Cadet purchasing any in the Country, and he can conveniently have 2 in the cabin together.
1 Blue Coat for India.
l Round Hat ditto.
2 Sets of Combs and Brushes.
3 Pounds of Wax Candles.
1 Sliding Lamp and Shade for cabin. This will be equally useful in India, and should be taken on shore.
1 Small Looking Glass, with sliding front.
3 Pounds of Soap.
8 Pr. of Wellington Boots. Boots are made in India very cheap, and tolerably good.
6 Pr. of Shoes.

To be put in Tin:
1 Hunting Saddle and Bridle.
1 Hiding Whip.
Yards of Scarlet Cloth sufficient for 1 Coat and 1 Jacket.
1 Regulation Sword.
1 Ditto, Sword Knot.
1 Regulation Cap. This should be taken to India untrimmed, with two sets of trimming, one Gold, and one Silver: the one not required may be disposed of in India.
4 Pr. of Military Gloves.
2 Buff Shoulder Belts.
1 Crimson Silk Sash.
1 Gorget.
1 Epaulette (Gold).
1 Regimental Blue Frock Coat. This must be made perfectly plain, and might be used to land in.
1 Pewter Wash Hand Basin.
[[531]] 1 Pewter Goglet.
1 Tumbler.
1 Camp Stool.
2 Pounds of Marine Soap.
1 Leather Writing Case.
6 Pr. of Musquito Trowsers. These will be found useful after crossing the Line, and will prevent many restless nights.
1 Boot-jack.
1 Piece of Shoe Ribbon.
1 Clothes Bag with Lock.
Stationery (a small quantity.)

The following. books, or part of them, will be found not only very instructive, but very profitable, during a four months' Voyage, to a Cadet.
Gilchrist's Hindoostanee Dialogues.
Gilchrist's Hindoostanee Dictionary.
Gilchrist's Hindostanee Gooli Bukawulee.
Gilchrist's Persian Rudiments.
James's Military Dictionary.
Torrens's Evolutions.
New Sword Exercise.
Campbell on Light Infantry.
Map of India.

1 Canteen, complete, containing :
1 Queen's Metal Tea Pot.
1 Ditto, Coffee Pot.
5 Large Silver Spoons.
2 Ditto, Forks.
2 Small, ditto.
2 Ditto, Spoons.
6 Tea Spoons. 
[[532]] 6 Large Knives and Forks.
6 Small, ditto.
2 Tea Cups and Saucers.
2 Hot Water Plates.
Small Plates.
2 Tumblers.
2 Wine Glasses.
Dishes (of Sizes).
1 Cork Screw.
2 Tea and Sugar Cannisters.
1 Muffineer.
1 Nutmeg Grater.

Necessaries to be provided in India.
1 Doz. pair White Regulation Trowsers. These should be made of Nankeen, and lined.
1 Camp Table and Chair.
1 Camp Cot and Musquito Curtains. This should have a painted cover, to prevent the Cot getting wet when marching during the monsoon.

Those things which are packed in tin, must not on any account be opened during the voyage.
A Tent can be obtained either from the Government, or in the Bazaar.
It is recommended to a Cadet to purchase only a Pony at the Presidency, as horses are purchased up Country much cheaper.
Every Cadet, on his arrival in India, should merely land with a change of clothes; when he has seen the Officer commanding the Barracks for young Officers, he will be able to procure a trustworthy servant, who can go on board and land all his baggage.

1 Cot, or Couch.
1 Hair Mattress and Bolster.
1 Feather Pillow.
8 Pr Sheets (Calico).
8 Pillow Cases.
6 Doz. Calico Shirts.
6 Doz. White Neckcloths.
4 Doz. Coloured ditto.
4 Black Silk Handkerchiefs. These will be found useful on the Voyage.
4. Doz. Towels.
4 Doz. White Pocket Handkerchiefs.
2 Doz. Coloured ditto.
24 Night Caps.
6 Pr White Silk Stockings.
4 Doz. half Brown Cotton do. Half stockings are more comfortable in warm climates.
12 Pr. Wash Leather Gloves.
18 Pr. Dress Gloves.
6 Pr. Thin Gloves for use on board ship.
8 Pr. Musquito Trowsers.
8 Pr. Braces (White Cotton).
2 Surtout Coats.
3 Superfine Evening Coats.
12 Coloured Waistcoats.
3 Pr. Light Kerseymere Trowsers.
1 Pr. Dress Black Pantaloons.
8 Thin Waistcoats with Sleeves.
8 Do. Waistcoats.
8 Pr. Trowsers.
[[534]] 3 Pr. Black Silk Stockings.
8 Pr. Calico Pantaloon Drawers.
Flannel for Waistcoats, about 12 yards.
2 Dressing Gowns.
1 Foul Clothes Bag, with lock and key.
1 Blue Cloth Cap for voyage.
2 Fine Hats, in box lined with tin.
6 Pr. Shoes.
2 Pr. Dress ditto.
6 Pr. Boots.
l Hunting Saddle and Bridle.
1 Riding Whip.
1 Leather Writing Case, with patent lock.
3 Blue Camlet or dark Jean Dresses, complete.
2 Sets Shoe Brushes and Blacking.
2 Clothes Brushes.
2 Hat ditto.
2 Hair ditto.
4 Nail ditto.
8 Tooth ditto.
A small quantity of Plate, such as Tea Pot, Spoons, and Forks: this is left entirely to the discretion of the person fitting out, as also a few Steel Knives and Forks. A Canteen completely fitted up would be found convenient.
1 Wash-hand Stand, complete for Cabin.
1 Camp Chair.
1 Ditto, Table
2 Sets of Bullock Drawers.
1 Book Case.
1 Cabin Lamp.
4 Pounds of Wax Candles.
4 Ditto, Windsor Soap.
2 Ditto, Common ditto.
1 Boot-jack.
[[535]] 1 Pr. Boot-hooks.
1 Dressing Case, complete.
2 Pr. Slippers.
1 Sea Chest may be taken if required.
A small quantity of Tobacco may be taken; it will be found the most acceptable present to a sailor, for any civility he may show.

Gilchrist's English and Hindoostanee Dictionary.
Gilchrist's British India Monitor, Guide, and Story Teller.
Gilchrist's Dialogues.
Gilchrist's Persian Rudiments.
Gilchrist's Hindoostanee and English Vocabulary
Gilchrist's Gooli Bukawulee.
Jones's Persian Grammar.
The whole of these books will be found very acceptable on the voyage; and considerable benefit may be derived from 4 or 5 months' real study during that period, and for a considerable time after arrival in India..

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