PART TWO, BOOK TWO -- History of the Discovery of America, and of some of the Early Conquests in the New World.

*Volume 3, Project Gutenberg text*

Chapter 1 -- History of the discovery of America, by Christopher Columbus, written by his son Don Ferdinand Columbus

Epochs of American discovery.
Author's Preface.
Section 1 -- Of the country, original, and name of Admiral Christopher Columbus; with other particulars of his life previous to his arrival in Portugal.
Section 2 -- Of his first coming to Portugal, and the motives of his proposing to discover the West Indies.
Section 3 -- The Admiral, disgusted by the procedure of the King of Portugal, in regard to the proposed discovery, offers his services to the court of Spain.
Section 4 -- Narrative of the First Voyage of Columbus, in which he actually discovered the New World[1].
Section 5 -- [seems to be merged into the end of Section 4]
Section 6 -- Second Voyage of Columbus to the West Indies.
Section 7 -- Account of the antiquities, ceremonies, and religion of the natives of Hispaniola, collected by F. Roman, by order of the Admiral.
Section 8 -- The Admiral returns to Spain from his second voyage.
Section 9 -- Account of the Admirals Third Voyage, during which he discovered the continent of Paria; with the occurrences to his arrival in Hispaniola.
Section 10 -- An account of the Rebellion in Hispaniola, previous to the arrival of the Admiral.
Section 11 -- Continuation of the troubles after the return of the Admiral to Hispaniola, to their adjustment.
Section 12 -- Transactions in Hispaniola subsequent to the settlement of the disturbances, until the sending of Columbus in irons to Spain.
Section 13 -- Account of the Fourth Voyage of Columbus to the West Indies.
Chapter 2 -- Account of the Discovery of America, by Christopher Columbus; by Antonio de Herrera
Section 1 -- Of the knowledge of the Ancients respecting the New World.
Section 2 -- Of the motives which led Columbus to believe that there were unknown countries.
Section 3 -- Columbus proposes his design to the King and Queen of Spain; which, after many repulses, is adopted by the Queen.
Section 4 -- Conditions granted to Columbus by the crown of Castile, and an account of his First Voyage, in which he discovered the New World.
Section 5 -- Continuation of the voyage; signs of approaching land; the people mutiny, and the Admiral endeavours to appease them.
Section 6 -- Discovery of the Islands of San Salvador, the Conception, Ferdinandina, Isabella, and others; with a description of these Islands, and some account of the Natives.
Section 7 -- Discovery of Cuba and Hispaniola, and desertion of Martin Alonzo Pinzon.
Section 8 -- Farther discovery of Hispaniola; simplicity of the natives; the Admiral loses his ship, and resolves to settle a colony in the island.
Section 9 -- The Admiral builds a fort in Hispaniola, and prepares for his return to Spain.
Section 10 -- Account of the Voyage home from Hispaniola to Lisbon.
Section 11 -- From the arrival of Columbus at Lisbon till the commencement of his Second Voyage to the New World.
Section 12 -- Second Voyage of Columbus to the West Indies, and establishment of Isabella, the first European colony in the New World.
Section 13 -- Columbus proceeds to explore the coast of Cuba, discovers the island of Jamaica, and returns to Isabella in Hispaniola.
Section 14 -- Summary of occurrences in Hispaniola, to the return of Columbus into Spain from his Second Voyage.
Section 15 -- Conclusion of the discoveries of Columbus.
Chapter 3 -- The voyages of Americus Vespucius to the New World
Section 1 -- The First Voyage of Americus Vespucius.
Section 2 -- The Second Voyage of Americus Vespucius.
Section 3 -- The Third Voyage of Americus Vespucius.
Section 4 -- The Fourth Voyage of Americus Vespucius.
Chapter 4 -- Summary of the discoveries and settlements of the Spaniards in the West Indies, from the death of Columbus to the expedition of Hernando Cortes against Mexico
Section 1 -- Improvements made in the colony of Hispaniola, by Nicholas de Obando, and the great value of gold procured in that island during his government.
Section 2 -- Settlement of Porto Rico under Juan Ponce de Leon.
Section 3 -- Don James Columbus is appointed to the government of the Spanish dominions in the West Indies.
Section 4 -- Settlement of a Pearl Fishery at the island of Cubagua.
Section 5 -- Alonzo de Hojeda and Diego de Nicuessa are commissioned to make discoveries and settlements in the New World, with an account of the adventures and misfortunes of Hojeda.
Section 6 -- The history of Vasco Nugnez de Balboa, and the establishment, by his means, of the colony of Darien.
Section 7 -- The adventures, misfortunes, and death of Don Diego de Nicuessa, the founder of the colony of Nombre de Dios.
Section 8 -- The conquest and settlement of the island of Cuba by Diego Velasquez.
Section 9 -- The strange expedition of Juan Ponce de Leon in search of the Fountain of Youth, in which he discovered Florida and the Bahama Channel.
Section 10 -- The martyrdom of two Dominican Friars on the coast of Venezuela, through the avarice of the Spaniards.
Section 11 -- Discoveries on the continent of America, by command of Velasquez, under the conduct of Francis Hernandez de Cordova.
Section 12 -- Farther discoveries on the continent by Juan Grijalva, under the orders of Velasquez, by which a way is opened to Mexico or New Spain.
Chapter 5 -- History of the discovery and conquest of Mexico, written in the year 1568, by Captain Bernal Diaz del Castillo, one of the conquerors
Preface by the Author.
Section 1 -- Expedition of Hernandez de Cordova in 1517.
Section 2 -- Expedition of Juan de Grijalva in 1518.
Section 3 -- Commencement of the expedition of Hernando Cortes for the conquest of Mexico, in 1518.
Section 4 -- Arrival of the armament at St Juan de Ulua, and account of occurrences at that place.
Section 5 -- The Spanish army advances into the country; an account of their proceedings before commencing their march to Mexico.
*Volume 4, Project Gutenberg text*
Section 6 -- The Spaniards commence their march to Mexico; with an account of the war in Tlascala, and the submission of that nation.
Section 7 -- Events during the march of the Spaniards from Tlascala to Mexico.
Section 8 -- Arrival of the Spaniards in Mexico, and transactions there till the arrival of Narvaez to supersede Cortes.
Section 9 -- Expedition of Narvaez to supersede Cortes in the command, and occurrences till his defeat by Cortes.
Section 10 -- Occurrences from the defeat of Narvaez, to the expulsion of the Spaniards from Mexico, and the subsequent battle of Otumba.
Section 11 -- Occurrences from the battle of Otumba, till the march of Cortes to besiege Mexico.
Section 12 -- Transactions of Cortes and the Spaniards, from their march against Mexico, to the commencement of the siege of that city.
Section 13 -- Narrative of occurrences, from the commencement of the siege of Mexico to its reduction, and the capture of Guatimotzin.
Section 14 -- Occurrences in New Spain, immediately subsequent to the reduction of Mexico.
Section 15 -- Expeditions sent by Cortes to reduce the provinces of the Mexican empire.
Section 16 -- Expedition of Garay to colonize Panuco.
Section 17 -- Narrative of various expeditions for the reduction of different provinces in New Spain.
Section 18 -- Negociations of Cortes at the court of Spain, respecting the conquest and government of Mexico.
Section 19 -- Of an expedition against the Zapotecas, and various other occurrences.
Section 20 -- Narrative of the expedition of Cortes to Higueras.
Section 21 -- Return of Cortes to Mexico, and occurrences there previous to his departure for Europe.
Section 22 -- Narrative of occurrences, from the departure of Cortes to Europe till his death.
Section 23 -- Concluding observations by the Author.
Chapter 6 -- History of the discovery and conquest of Peru, by Francisco Pizarro; written by Augustino Zarate, treasurer of that kingdom, a few years after the conquest
Section 1 -- Of the discovery of Peru, with some account of the country and its inhabitants.
Section 2 -- Transactions of Pizarro and the Spaniards in Peru, from the commencement of the conquest, till the departure of Almagro for the discovery of Chili.
Section 3 -- Occurrences from the departure of Almagro for Chili, to his capture by Pizarro, being the first part of the civil wars in Peru.
Section 4 -- Expeditions of Pedro de Valdivia into Chili, and of Gonzalo Pizarro to Los Canelos.
Section 5 -- Conspiracy of the Almagrians and Assassination of Pizarro.
Chapter 7 -- Continuation of the early history of Peru, after the death of Francisco Pizarro, to the defeat of Gonzalo Pizarro, and the re-establishment of tranquillity in the country; written by Augustino Zarate
Section 1 -- From the revival of the civil wars in Peru, to the close of the administration of Vaca de Castro, the first governor appointed from Spain.
Section 2 -- Commencement of the Viceroyalty of Blasco Nunnez Vela, and renewal of the civil war in Peru by the usurpation of Gonzalo Pizarro.
*Volume 5, Project Gutenberg text*
Section 3 -- Continuation of the Viceroyalty of Blasco Nunnez Vela, to his deposition and expulsion from Peru.
Section 4 -- History of the usurpation of Gonzalo Pizarro, from the expulsion of the Viceroy to his defeat and death.
Section 5 -- Continuation of the Usurpation of Gonzalo Pizarro, to the arrival of Gasca in Peru with full powers to restore the Colony to order.
Section 6 -- History of the Expedition of Pedro de la Gasca, the death of Gonzalo Pizarro, and the Restoration of Peru to Tranquillity.
Section 7 -- Insurrection of Ferdinand and Pedro de Contreras in Nicaragua, and their unsuccessful attempt upon the Royal Treasure in the Tierra Firma.
Chapter 8 -- Continuation of the early history of Peru, from the restoration of tranquillity by Gasca in 1549, to the death of the Inca Tupac Amaru; extracted from Garcilasso de la Vega
Section 1 -- Incidents in the History of Peru, from the departure of Gasca, to the appointment of Don Antonio de Mendoza as Viceroy.
Section 2 -- History of Peru during the Viceroyalty of Don Antonio de Mendoza.
Section 3 -- Narrative of the Troubles in Peru, consequent upon the Death of the Viceroy Mendoza.
Section 4 -- Continuation of the Troubles in Peru, to the Viceroyalty of the Marquis de Cannete.
Section 5 -- History of Peru during the Viceroyalty of the Marquis del Cannete.
Section 6 -- Incidents in the History of Peru, during the successive Governments of the Conde de Nieva, Lope Garcia de Castro, and Don Francisco de Toledo.
Chapter 9 -- History of the Discovery and Conquest of Chili
Section 1 -- Geographical View of the Kingdom of Chili.
Section 2 -- Of the Origin, Manners, and Language of the Chilese.
Section 3 -- State of Chili, and Conquests made in that Country by the Peruvians, before the arrival of the Spaniards.
Section 4 -- First Expedition of the Spaniards into Chili under Almagro.
Section 5 -- Second Expedition into Chili, under Pedro de Valdivia, to the commencement of the War between the Spaniards and Araucanians.
Section 6 -- Narrative of the War between the Spaniards and Araucanians, from the year 1550, to the Defeat and Death of Pedro de Valdivia on the 3d of December 1553.
Section 7 -- Continuation of the War between the Spaniards and Araucanians, from the death of Valdivia, to that of Caupolican.
Section 8 -- Continuation of the Araucanian War, after the Death of Caupolican, to the Reduction of the Archipelago of Chiloe by the Spaniards.
Section 9 -- Continuation of the Araucanian War to the Destruction of all the Spanish Settlements in the territories of that Nation.
Section 10 -- Farther Narrative of the War, to the Conclusion of Peace with the Araucanians.
Section 11 -- Renewal of the War with the Araucanians, and succinct Narrative of the History of Chili, from 1655 to 1787.
Section 12 -- State of Chili towards the end of the Eighteenth Century.
Section 13 -- Account of the Archipelago of Chiloe.
Section 14 -- Account of the native tribes inhabiting the southern extremity of South America.
Chapter 10 -- Discovery of Florida, and Account of several ineffectual Attempts to Conquer and Settle that Country by the Spaniards
Section 1 -- Discovery of Florida, by Juan Ponce de Leon.
Section 2 -- Narrative of a Disastrous attempt by Panfilo de Narvaez to conquer Florida; together with some account of that Country.
Section 3 -- Adventures and wonderful escape of Cabeza de Vaca, after the loss of Narvaez.
Section 4 -- Narrative of a new attempt to Conquer Florida, by Ferdinand de Soto.
Section 5 -- Continuation of the Transactions of Ferdinand de Soto in Florida.
Section 6 -- Conclusion of the Expedition to Florida by Ferdinand de Soto.
*Volume 6, Project Gutenberg text*

Chapter 11 -- Early English voyages of discovery to America

Section 1 -- Discovery of Newfoundland by John and Sebastian Cabot in 1497, in the service of Henry VII. of England.
Section 2 -- Discourse by Galeacius Butrigarius, Papal Legate in Spain, respecting the Discoveries in America, by Sebastian Cabot.
Section 3 -- Notice concerning Sebastian Cabot by Ramusio, in the Preface to the third Volume of his Navigations.
Section 4 -- Notice respecting the voyage of Sebastian Cabot to the north-west, from Peter Martyr ab Angleria.
Section 5 -- Testimony of Francisco Lopez de Gomara, concerning the discoveries of Sebastian Cabota.
Section 6 -- Note respecting the discoveries of Sebastian Cabot; from the latter part of Fabian's Chronicle.
Section 7 -- Brief notice of the discovery of Newfoundland, by Mr Robert Thorne.
Section 8 -- Grant by Edward VI. of a Pension and the Office of Grand Pilot of England to Sebastian Cabot.
Section 9 -- Voyage of Sir Thomas Pert and Sebastian Cabot about the year 1516, to Brazil, St Domingo, and Porto Rico.
Section 10 -- Brief note of a voyage by Thomas Tison to the West Indies, before the year 1526.
Chapter 12 -- The Voyages of Jacques Cartier from St Maloes to Newfoundland and Canada, in the years 1534 and 1535
Section 1 -- The first voyage of Jacques Cartier to Newfoundland and Canada,
in 1534.
Section 2 -- The second voyage of Jacques Cartier, to Canada, Hochelega, Saguenay, and other lands now called New France; with the Manners and Customs of the Natives.
Section 3 -- Wintering of Jacques Cartier in Canada in 1536, and return to France in 1537.

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