*A travel poster view, 1965*

Source: ebay, Oct. 2009

The Kandariya shows off its perfect proportions

Source: http://www.greatmirror.com/index.cfm?countryid=563&chapterid=478&picid=5&picturesize=medium
(downloaded Dec. 2004)

It's those stairs that are part of the Kandariya's fantastic beauty

Source: http://www.bm.ust.hk/~adam/Travels/travel_index.html
(downloaded Nov. 2004)

In its environment

Source: http://www.greatmirror.com/index.cfm?countryid=563&chapterid=478&picid=8&picturesize=medium
(downloaded Dec. 2004)

Glowing in the afternoon sun

Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/18096258@N00/55438520/
(downloaded Oct. 2006)

An ultimate view of the shikhara

Source: http://joel.toonywood.org/photos/voyage-inde-2005/grand/119.jpg
(downloaded May 2006)

The fractal geometry of the shikhara

Source: http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=177378803&size=l
(downloaded Sept. 2006)

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