*The Queen's Bath: nterior of the Nirati Baths, Vijayanagar; a watercolour, 1790-1810* (BL)

The Queen's Bath, Hampi

Source: http://www.indiamike.com/photopost/showphoto.php/photo/5367/sort/1/cat/all/page/1
(downloaded Jan. 2005)

A closer look at one of the towers

Source: http://www.indiamike.com/photopost/showphoto.php/photo/5366/sort/1/cat/all/page/1
(downloaded Jan. 2005)

The view from inside the Queen's Bath

Source: http://www.indiamike.com/photopost/showphoto.php/photo/3553/sort/1/cat/all/page/1
(downloaded Jan. 2005)

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