Vasco da Gama meets the Zamorin of Calicut in 1498; for more on this symbolically momentous encounter, see *Vasco da Gama*

*"The Idol of Calicut," in a depiction from 1516* (Univ. of Zurich)

"Jörg Breu d. Ä. zugeschrieben, Idol von Calicut,  in: Ludovico de Varthema, 'Die Ritterlich und lobwürdig Reisz', Strassburg 1516. (Bild: Völkerkundemuseum der Universität Zürich.)"

A depiction of that same alleged idol by *MUNSTER*, 1552, who briefly describes it as well

A view of Calicut, in "Narsinga," by *MUNSTER*, 1588; *the whole page*

Source: ebay, Dec. 2007

Probably the earliest depiction of Calicut, from 1572; CLICK ON THE IMAGE FOR A HUGE SCAN

(downloaded Feb. 2006)

"Calechut celeberrimum Indiae emporium. From Braun and Hogenberg, Civitates Orbis Terrarum I 54. Date: first Latin edition of volume I was published in 1572. After: an unidentified Portuguese manuscript."

*From Francesco Valegio, 'Nuova Raccolta di le più Illustri et famose citta di tutto il mondo', Venice, 1575*

Source: ebay, Dec. 2006

*The fort of Calicut, from an early Portuguese description*

(downloaded Oct. 2005)

Calicut in the 1500's, according to *MUNSTER*: monster snakes--and a list of trade goods and trade routes

Source: ebay, Nov. 2003

"1552 Description of India, Ceylon, and Burma from "Cosmographia" by Sebastian Münster: Calicut (woodcut).  French edition; Basel printing house of Sebastian Heinrich-Petri 1552. Book V, page 1345. Page 1345 describes the town of Calicut (Calicuth; Kozhikode) in southwestern India, on the Malabar Coast. Münster writes about various kinds of snakes inhabiting Calicut, and also provides a list of spices and of spice trade partners of Calicut, including China, Arabia, Sumatra, Moluccas, Pego (Burma), Ceylon, Ormuz (Persia), Canonor (Cannanore in India), Cambaia (Cambaye, Camboja - Cambodia), and others."

Calicut and its resident sea monster, by Daniel Meissner, 1620's

Source: ebay, Sept. 2002

"Calechut, by Daniel Meissner, in his series Town Atlases in eight volumes. The work was first published in parts between 1623 and 1631 under the title Thesaurus Philo-Politicus. After Meissner's death in 1625, it was continued by Kilian Lieboldt and H. Kornman. The plates were made by among others Meissner, Matthias Merian, and Sebastian Furck."

"Portugesen, in Calecut wohnhaftig, schandlich ermordet und ihre Logie beraubet' (The Portuguese in Calicut murdered, and their living quarters plundered)" by Philip Baldaeus, from 'Nauwkeurige beschrijving Malabar en Choromandel, derz. aangrenzend rijken, en het machtige eiland Ceylon' , Amsterdam, 1672

Source: ebay, Aug. 2014

A view by Rafaelo Savonarola, alias Alphonsus Lasor a Varea, from 'Universi orbis descriptio ad usum navigantium', Padua, 1713

Source: ebay, Nov. 2010

"Pagodas at Calicut," by Henry Salt, 1809 (with modern hand coloring)

Source: ebay, Feb. 2007

"Calicut, on the Coast of Malabar," from James Forbes's Oriental Memoirs, London, 1813: *more information (BL)*

Source: ebay, Sept. 2004

*"Calicut," from an English history book, 1851*

Source: ebay, May 2007

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