
For Gandhi's birthday in 1928, a lavish pageant, shown in a news photo; *the original caption*

Source: ebay, June 2008

"A Controversial Curry," Gandhi feeding "purna swaraj," or "full independence," to Congress (in Punch, 1931)

Source: ebay, Aug. 2001

"From Punch, or the London Charivari, April 1931. A political cartoon based on the Karachi Congress meeting and the Delhi Pact."

But even in jail, Gandhi was, if anything, even more formidable (a cartoon from Punch, 1932

Source: ebay, Mar. 2005

Gandhi's famous morning walk, from the San Francisco Examiner, 1931; *the caption*

Source: ebay, June 2008

A photo of the second Round Table conference in London, 1931, from the San Francisco Examiner; *with caption*

Source: ebay, June 2008

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