javaab-e shikvah
stanzas 26 through 30
(*text with stanza numbers*; *serial glossary*)


"Having seen the color/style of the garden, let the gardener not be anxious,
With the stars of buds, the branches are shining.

  ==God now begins to encourage modern Muslims to anticipate a rebirth of their community.
"The garden is [habitually] devoid of straw and rubbish,
The rose overthrows the redness of the martyrs' blood.
  ==That is, the rose is redder even than the martyrs' blood.
"If you just take a look at the color of the sky, then it's carnation-red,
This horizon of the rising sun is radiant!
"There are communities in the garden of existence who have had their fruit gathered,
There are others devoid of fruit, and others who have seen the autumn.
"There are hundreds of date-palms-- withered ones, and mature ones too,
Hundreds too are still concealed in the womb of the garden.
"The date-palm of Islam is an example of fertility,
It's the fruit of all the hundreds of centuries of garden-cultivation.
"Your garment-hem is free from the dust of the homeland,
You are that Joseph for whom every Egypt is a Canaan.
  ==That is, because you're not bound to a single country, you are at home everywhere. Joseph, who came from a happy home in Canaan, at first suffered but eventually triumphed in Egypt.
"Your caravan will never be able to become desolate,
Other than a single call of the bell, you have no equipment.

==The "call of the bell" summons the people of the caravan to prepare for departure.

"You are the date-palm of the candle, and in the flame is the smoke of your wick/root;
The shadow of the thought of you would be end-burning.
  ==This is in Persian; perhaps it's a quotation that the educated reader is supposed to recognize.
"You will not be erased by the erasure of Iran,
The intoxication of wine has no connection with the wine-glass.
   ==At the time of this poem (1913), the Second Balkan War posed a grave threat to Iran.
"It's clear from the story of the onslaught of the Tartars,
That the Ka'bah obtained door-guardians from idol-temples.
  ==That is, the Mongols eventually became converts to Islam.
"The boat of truth/right has, after all, a refuge in the time/age,
If the new era is a night, after all there's a dim star.
  ==The effect of to is to emphasize the culminating points of an argument.
"The turmoil that has been created by the assault of the Bulgarians,
For the heedless, it's a message of wakefulness.
  ==In 1913, Bulgaria started the Second Balkan War.
"You consider that it's a source of affliction to the heart,
It's a test of your offering, of your self-respect.
  ==That is, you're wrong to consider it a mere calamity when it's really a test.

"Why are you terrified by the neighing of the horse of the enemy?
The light of truth/right will not be able to be extinguished by the breath of the enemy.

  ==Here the light of truth is envisioned as an oil lamp.

*On to stanzas 31-36* -- *"Shikvah" index page*


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