An Anthology of Modern Urdu Poetry, vol. 1
by Baidar Bakht, with Kathleen Grant Jaeger
[translations with facing Urdu texts; there is no "vol. 2"]

Delhi: Educational Publishing House, 1985
(Pakistani edition: Karachi 1994)
Presented here through the generous permission of the authors


*Makhdoom Mohi-ud-deen (1908-1969)*
"The Darkness" (2) == "Imprisonment" (6) == "The Land of Moon and Stars" (10) == "Love Child" (14) == "Rendez-vous" (18)

*N. M. Rashed (1910-1975)*
"At the Window" (24) == "What Tangles are We Trying to Unravel?" (30) == "Introduction" (34) == "Life--an Old Crone" (38) == "Frightened of Life?" (40) == "The New Man" (44)

*Faiz Ahmed Faiz (1911- )*
"Darling, Don't Ask Me for the Same Love Again" (50) == "The Dogs" (54) == "The Highway" (56) == "The Morning of Freedom" (58) == "The Pain will Emerge Softly" (62) == "There is No Remedy Now, You say" (68) == "The Blackout" (72) == "Do What You Feel Like Doing" (76) == "Beggars on the Door-Step of Hope" (80) == "Loved a Little, Worked a Little" (82)

*Meeraji (1912-1949)*
"Singular Waves of Joy" (86) == "The Tall Building" (90) == "Later Flight" (98) == "Call of the Sea" (104) == "Within and Without" (108)

*Ali Sardar Jafri (1913- )*
"On Mount Sinai (112) == "More Beautiful" (120) == "My Journey" (124) == "Remarks made in Passing" (132) == "A Morsel" (134) == "Two Lamps" (136) == "Don't Look at Me so Fondly" (140) == "Murder of the Sun" (142) == "A Hymn to Hands" (148) == "Your Eyes" (156) == "Daughter of the Sea" (162)

*"Akhtar-ul-Iman (1915- )*
"The Mosque" (172) == "Confidence" (178) == "Creation" (180) == "The Boy" (182) == "To the Elusive Life" (190) == "Daughter of Time" (194) == "Return -a Montage" (196) == "The Grave" (206) == "The Man Who Loved Misery" (210) == "Kennedy" (214) == "In Search of a Poem" (216) == "Ancient Relics" (220)

*Munib-ur-Rehman (1924- )*
"Apprehension" (226) == "The Ruin" (228) == "Rendez-vous" (230) == "The Sea" (236) == "The Beginning and the End" )236) == "The Voice of Man" (238) == "The Tempest" (242) == "The Banyan Tree" (244) == "Tall Buildings" (246) == "The Aboriginal Dance" (248) == "The Obscure City" (250)

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