The Problem of Hindustani (1944)

by Tara Chand, M.A., D.Phil. (Oxon)


*I. The Problem of a Common Language for India*

*II. Medieval Language and Literature of India*

*III. Some Misconceptions about Hindustani*

*IV. Hindi and Urdu*

This small and very rare book (Allahabad: Indian Periodicals Ltd., 1944) comes to us courtesy of interlibrary loan from the Cornell University Library. It was scanned and initially proofread by Chloe Smith, whose capable help was greatly appreciated. Final editing was done by FWP, Sept. 2007. Some very long paragraphs have been broken into shorter ones. Punctuation has occasionally been adjusted for clarity, and small errors corrected. All annotations in square brackets are by FWP.

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