Buddhist Systems | Nyaya-Vaisesika and Mimamsa A |
Jaina and Mimamsa B |
Samkhya and Theistic Vedanta |
Advaita Vedanta |
Wholes Unreal | Parts and Wholes Real and Distinct |
Wholes Both Equal to and Not Equal to Parts |
Whole Equal to Sum of Parts |
Parts Unreal |
Asatkaryavada (effect not pre-existent in cause) |
Anekantavada (everything both same and different) |
Satkaryavada (effect pre-existent in cause) |
Sadrsya (co-ordination) |
Samavaya (inherence) |
Bhedabheda (identity-in- difference) |
Parinama (transformation) |
Vivarta (manifestation) |
Nominalism (post rem) |
Realism (ante rem) |
? | Conceptualism (in re) |