U6800: Conceptual Foundations of International Politics

School of International and Public Affairs

Fall 2001

Professor:Ý Dean Lisa Anderson

Time:Ý Monday 2:10-4:00

Place:Ý 417 IAB Altschul Auditorium


Drawing on academic literature, lectures, panel discussions and films, Conceptual Foundations of International Politics examines many of the central concepts, theories, and analytical tools used in contemporary social science to understand and explain international politics.Ý The theoretical literature is drawn from different fields in the social science, including comparative politics, international relations, political sociology, and economics.Ý The course is designed to enhance students' abilities to think critically and analytically about current problems and challenges in international politics.

The course is composed of several introductory sessions followed by two-week modules on International Political Economy;Ý States, Regimes and Rights;Ý War and Peace;Ý Culture and Identities.Ý The weekly requirements, including the reading assignments, the plenary session and seminar-style sections form an integral whole.Ý All students are required to attend the Monday plenary sessions and to do the assigned readings before their (6804) section each week because the readings and lectures, films and panels form the basis of the sections.Ý For each module there will be an assignment that will constitute one quarter of the final grade;Ý the remaining quarter will be based on participation in section.

For purchase at Columbia Bookstore 116th/Broadway:

Scott Sagan and Kenneth Waltz,Ý The Spread of Nuclear Weapons: A Debate

For purchase at Columbia Copiers 4th Floor International Affairs Building:

Course Pack titled:Ý "U6800: ÝConceptual Foundations of International Politics."

Note:Ý Readings that are "Available On-line" can be accessed via the course website:


September 10:Ý Contending Theories and Policy Choice

How does theory influence the formulation of policy?

Lecturer:Ý Lisa Anderson

Assignment:Ý Op-ed

Stephen Walt,Ý "International Relations:Ý One World, Many Theories,"Ý Foreign Policy,Ý Spring 1998Ý p.29-46Ý (available on-line)

Charles William Maynes,Ý "Contending Schools,"Ý The National Interest Spring 2001 p.49-58. (coursepack)ÝÝ

Thomas Friedman,Ý The Lexus and the Olive Tree:Ý Understanding GlobalizationÝ New York 1999,Ý ch. 2 p.25-37, ch. 6 p.93-119, ch. 8 p.141-164 (coursepack)

September 17:Ý The Cold War Revisited:Ý Competing Explanations of the Cuban Missile Crisis

Screening:Ý ÝCNN's "The Cold War."

Lecturer:Ý Robert Legvold

Robert Jervis, "Was the Cold War a Security Dilemma?" Journal of Cold War Studies, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Winter 2001), pp. 36-60.Ý (available on-line)

John Lewis Gaddis, ÝWe Now Know: Rethinking Cold War History.Ý Oxford: Clarendon Press, New York p.1-25 1997 (coursepack)

Ernest May,Ý American Imperialism:Ý A Speculative Essay p.3-17Ý Chicago: Imprint Publications 1968 (coursepack)

E. H. Carr,Ý What Is History?Ý New York: Knopf p.70-143 (coursepack)

Graham T. Allison,Ý "Conceptual Models and the Cuban Missile Crisis,"Ý The American Political Science Review., vol. 63Ý Issue 3 1969 p.689-718 (available on-line)

September 24: ÝTheories of Social Structure, Power and Conflict

Lecturer:Ý Lisa Anderson

Karl Marx,Ý "Preface to a Critique of Political Economy," and "The Communist Manifesto."Ý (Available On-line)

Max Weber, Ý"The Types of Legitimate Domination" Economy and Society ed. Roth and Wittich p.217-271 (coursepack)

Patrick Heller, ÝThe Labor of Development., p.1-150Ý Cornell University Press 1999 (coursepack)

Thomas Callaghy,Ý "The State and Development of Capitalism in Africa:Ý Theoretical, Historical and Comparative Reflections," in Donald Rothschild,Ý The Precarious Balance.Ý 1988Ý p.67-99 (coursepack)

Peter Bachrach and Morton S. Baratz,Ý "The Two Faces of Power,"Ý American Political Science ReviewÝ 56 p.947-952., 1962Ý (available on-line)

ÝOctober 1:Ý Pluralism and Liberalism

Lecturer:Ý Ira Katznelson

John Locke, A Letter Concerning Toleration (available on-line)

John Stuart Mill, On Liberty chapters. 1-3 (available on-line)Ý

Robert Dahl,Ý Polyarchy:Ý Participation and OppositionÝ p.1-16Ý 1971 (coursepack)

Fareed Zakaria, "The Rise of Illiberal Democracy" Foreign Affairs (November/December 1997);Ý "Responses to Zakaria," Foreign Affairs March/April and May/June 1998 (coursepack)

War and Peace:

October 8:Ý Theories of War and Peace

Lecturer:Ý Richard Betts

Kenneth Waltz, "The Origins of War in Neorealist Theory." in Robert Rothberg and Theodore Rabb, eds.,Ý The Origin and Prevention of Major Wars 1989 p.39-52 (coursepack)

Kenneth Waltz, Ý"Globalization and American Power,"Ý The National Interest Spring 2000 p.46-57Ý (coursepack)

Richard Rosencrance, The Rise of the Trading State preface and p.22-63 1986 (Lehman Reserve Desk)

Hans Morgenthau, ÝPolitics Among Nations:Ý The Struggle for Power and Peace 1993 p.3-26 (Lehman Reserve Desk)

J. Ann Tickner,Ý "Hans Morgenthau's Principles of Political Realism:Ý A Feminist Reformulation," in Rebecca Grant and Kathleen Newland, eds.Ý Gender and International Relations p.27-40Ý 1991.Ý (coursepack)

Bruce Russett, Grasping the Democratic Peace:Ý Principles for A Post-Cold War World p.3-42. (coursepack)

ÝOctober 15:Ý Nuclear Proliferation and the Morality of Killing

ÝLecturer:Ý Richard Betts

Scott Sagan and Kenneth Waltz,Ý The Spread of Nuclear Weapons:Ý A Debate 1995 (available at Columbia University Bookstore)

Michael Walzer,Ý Just and Unjust Wars:Ý A Moral Argument With Historical Illustrations 1977 p.251-68 (coursepack)

Paul Fussel, "Thank God for the Atom Bomb,"Ý Walzer's Rebuttal and Fussel's surrebuttal in Fussel, ed.,Ý Thank God for the Atom Bomb and Other Essays 1988Ý p.13-45 (coursepack)

Carl von Clausewitz,Ý On War,Ý Michael Howard and Peter Paret, eds.Ý p.75-99, 148-50, 177-187, 578-81, 604-11.Ý (coursepack)

Richard Betts,Ý "Is Strategy an Illusion?"Ý International SecurityÝ 25:2 4Ý 2000 p.5-50 (coursepack)

International Political Economy

October 22:Ý Introduction to Theories of International Political Economy

Lecturer:Ý Arvid Lukauskus

Robert Gilpin, The Political Economy of International Relations p.8-64 1987 (coursepack)

Robert Wade, "Globalization and Its Limits:Ý Report of the Death of the National Economy Are Greatly Exaggerated," in Berger and Dore, eds.,Ý National Diversity and Global CapitalismÝ 1996Ý p.60-89Ý (coursepack)

Robert Wade, "Wheels Within Wheels:Ý Rethinking the Asian Crisis and the Asian Model,"Ý Annual Review of Political Science 3:85-115 2000(coursepack)

The Economist, SurveyÝ October 7 1995:Ý "Who's in the Driving Seat?";Ý Peering through the Monetary Mist;"Ý Fiscal Flab;"Ý "Not So Divine Intervention;"Ý and "Governments that Live in Glass Houses."Ý (available on-line)

October 29:Ý Globalization and Its Critics

Lecturer:Ý Joseph Stiglitz

Jagdish Bhagwati, "The Global Age:Ý From a Skeptical South to a Fearful North," in A Stream of Windows 1998 p.29-71Ý (coursepack)

Jagdish Bhagwati, "The Capital Myth:Ý The Difference between Trade in Widgets and Dollars,"Ý Foreign AffairsÝ May/June 1998 p.7-12 (available on-line)

Paul Krugman,Ý "Trade, Jobs and Wages" and "Does Third World Growth Hurt First World Prosperity" in Pop InternationalismÝ 1996Ý p.35-69.Ý (coursepack)

Dani Rodrik, "Sense and Nonsense in the Globalization Debate,"ÝÝ Foreign PolicyÝ Summer 1997 19-36 (available on-line)

Bruce Cumings, Ý"The American Ascendancy:Ý Imposing A New World Order" in Special Issue of The NationÝ We Are Not the World:Ý A New Vision for Foreign Policy."Ý May 8, 2000 (available on-line)

Reread Friedman

November 5:Ý No class

States, Regimes and Rights

November 12:Ý State Formation and Citizenship

Lecturer:Ý Consuelo Cruz

Somers, Margaret, "Citizenship and the place of the public sphere: law, community, and political culture in the transition to democracy" in American Sociological Review, Oct. 1993 v.58 no. 5 p.587 (34). (available on-line)

T.H. Marshall, Class, Citizenship and Social Development p.65-123 (Chicago:Ý University of Chicago Press 1977) (coursepack)

Charles Tilly,Ý "War-making and State-making as Organized Crime," in Evans et al.,Ý Bringing the State Back In 1985Ý p.169-191Ý (coursepack)

Guillermo O'Donnell,Ý "On the State, Democratization and Some Conceptual Problems:Ý A Latin American View with Glances at Some PostCommunist Countries.,ÝÝ World Development, 21:8 1993 (coursepack)

Peter Evans,Ý "The Eclipse of the State:Ý Reflections on Stateness in an Era of Globalization,"Ý World PoliticsÝ October 1997 p.62-87Ý (coursepack)

Robert Wade,Ý "East Asia's Economic Success:Ý Conflicting Perspectives, Partial Insights and Shaky Evidence."Ý World Politics 1992. (on-line)

November 19:Ý Human Rights

Lecturer:Ý ÝJack Snyder

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (available on-line)

Amartya Sen,Ý Development as Freedom, 1999 intro., ch. 1, ch. 2 (p.3-53), ch. 10 (p.227-248)

Bhikhu Parekh,Ý "The Cultural Peculiarity of Liberal Democracy," in David Held, Prospects for Democracy 1993Ý p.156-175Ý (course-pack)

Spike Peterson,Ý "Whose Rights?Ý A Critique of the "Givens" in Human Rights Discourse"Ý AlternativesÝ vol.Ý XV 1990 p.303-344 (coursepack)

Jack Snyder,Ý From Voting to Violence:Ý Democratization and Nationalist Conflict.,Ý ch.1 (p.15-43);Ý ch. 6 (p.265-269); (300-306);Ý ch. 7 (p.321 -340).Ý (coursepack)

Culture and Identity:

November 26:Ý Nationalism, Culture, and Identity Formation

Screening:Ý The Battle of Algiers

No Lecture

Assignment:Ý Debate questions distributed

Craig Calhoun,Ý "Nationalism and Ethnicity,"Ý Annual Review of SociologyÝ 1993 19 p.211-239Ý (available on-line)

Anthony Marx,Ý "Race-making and the Nation-state,"Ý World Politics v. 48 January 1996Ý p.180-208 (available on-line)

Engendering Development:Ý Through Gender Equality in Rights, Resources and Voice ÝÝA World Bank Policy Research Report Ýp.1-29Ý 2001

Chandra Talpade Mohanty, "Cartographies of Struggle: Third World Women and the Politics of Feminism," in Third World Women and the Politics of Feminism., ed., Mohanty 1991 p.1-47

James Fearon and David Laitin,Ý "Violence and the Social Construction of Ethnic Identity."Ý International Organization 54 Ý4 ÝAutumn 2000 p.854-877 (course-pack)

ÝSamuel Huntington,Ý "The Clash of Civilizations,"Ý Foreign AffairsÝ Summer 1993 p.22-49 (available on-line)

December 3:Ý Colonial Legacies, Identity and Conflict

Lecturer:Ý Mahmood Mamdani

Mahmood Mamdani, When Victims Become Killers ch. 1-3 Princeton University Press 2001

Karl Mueller, "The Banality of Ethnic War,'Ý International Security 2000 Ý(available on-line)

December 10:Ý International Politics:Ý Conceptual Foundations and Changing Realities

Lecturer:Ý Saskia Sassen

Saskia Sassen, Globalization and Its DiscontentsÝ p.5-30, p.194-218 1999