[~] date Tue Oct 12 07:41:45 EDT 2021 [~] ftp columbia.edu Connected to columbia.edu. 220- __ _ _ _ _ _ 220- / _| |_ _ __ ___ ___ | |_ _ _ __ ___ | |__ (_) __ _ ___ __| |_ _ 220- | |_| __| '_ \ / __/ _ \| | | | | '_ ` _ \| '_ \| |/ _` | / _ \/ _` | | | | 220- | _| |_| |_) | (_| (_) | | |_| | | | | | | |_) | | (_| || __/ (_| | |_| | 220- |_| \__| .__(_)___\___/|_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|_.__/|_|\__,_(_)___|\__,_|\__,_| 220- |_| 220- 220- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 220- 220- This system is owned by: 220- 220- Columbia University Information Technology (CUIT) 220- Columbia University, New York City, NY, USA 220- 220- All anonymous transfers are logged. 220- If you don't like or agree with this policy, please disconnect now. 220- 220- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 220- 220- The Kermit Software Archives (1981-2011) can be found in /pub/kermit 220 Name (columbia.edu:fdc): ^D EOF received; login aborted. ftp> quit 221 Goodbye. ************************ Thu Oct 14 08:10:22 2021 [~] ftp columbia.edu ftp: Can't connect to': Operation timed out ftp: Can't connect to unix.columbia.edu:ftp' ftp>quit [~]