<<< accdeb.h >>> #define DEBUG #define PANOS /* C K C D E B . H */ /* This file is included by all C-Kermit modules, including the modules that aren't specific to Kermit (like the command parser and the ck?tio and ck?fio modules. It specifies format codes for debug(), tlog(), and similar functions, and includes any necessary typedefs to be used by all C-Kermit modules, and also includes some feature selection compile-time switches. */ /* Copyright (C) 1985, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, or redistribute this software so long as it is not sold for profit, provided this copyright notice is retained. */ /* DEBUG and TLOG should be defined in the Makefile if you want debugging and transaction logs. Don't define them if you want to save the space and overhead. */ #ifndef DEBUG #define debug(a,b,c,d) {} #endif #ifndef TLOG #define tlog(a,b,c,d) {} #endif /* Formats for debug(), tlog(), etc */ #define F000 0 #define F001 1 #define F010 2 #define F011 3 #define F100 4 #define F101 5 #define F110 6 #define F111 7 /* Compiler dependencies */ #ifdef PROVX1 typedef char CHAR; typedef long LONG; typedef int void; #else #ifdef V7 typedef char CHAR; typedef long LONG; #else #ifdef C70 typedef char CHAR; typedef long LONG; #else typedef unsigned char CHAR; typedef long LONG; #endif #endif #endif #ifdef TOWER1 typedef int void; #endif /* Line delimiter for text files */ /* If the system uses a single character for text file line delimitation, define NLCHAR to the value of that character. For text files, that character will be converted to CRLF upon output, and CRLF will be converted to that character on input. */ #ifdef MAC /* Macintosh */ #define NLCHAR 015 #else /* All Unix-like systems */ #define NLCHAR 012 #endif /* At this point, if there's a system that uses ordinary CRLF line delimitation AND the C compiler actually returns both the CR and the LF when doing input from a file, then #undef NLCHAR. */ /* The device name of a job's controlling terminal */ /* Special for VMS, same for all Unixes (?), not used by Macintosh */ #ifdef vax11c #define CTTNAM "TT:" #else #define CTTNAM "/dev/tty" #endif /* Some special includes for VAX/VMS */ #ifdef vax11c #include ssdef #include stsdef #endif /* Program return codes for VMS, DECUS C, and Unix */ #ifdef vax11c #define GOOD_EXIT (SS$_NORMAL | STS$M_INHIB_MSG) #define BAD_EXIT SS$_ABORT #else #ifdef decus #define GOOD_EXIT IO_NORMAL #define BAD_EXIT IO_ERROR #else #define GOOD_EXIT 0 #define BAD_EXIT 1 #endif #endif <<< accker.h >>> /* ckcker.h -- Symbol and macro definitions for C-Kermit */ /* Author: Frank da Cruz (SY.FDC@CU20B), Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, January 1985. Copyright (C) 1985, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, or redistribute this software so long as it is not sold for profit, provided this copyright notice is retained. */ /* Mnemonics for ASCII characters */ #define NUL 000 /* ASCII Null */ #define SOH 001 /* ASCII Start of header */ #define BEL 007 /* ASCII Bell (Beep) */ #define BS 010 /* ASCII Backspace */ #define LF 012 /* ASCII Linefeed */ #define CR 015 /* ASCII Carriage Return */ #define XON 021 /* ASCII XON */ #define SP 040 /* ASCII Space */ #define DEL 0177 /* ASCII Delete (Rubout) */ /* Kermit parameters and defaults */ #define MAXPACK 94 /* Maximum packet size */ #define RBUFL 200 /* Receive buffer length */ #define CTLQ '#' /* Control char prefix I will use */ #define MYEBQ '&' /* 8th-Bit prefix char I will use */ #define MYRPTQ '~' /* Repeat count prefix I will use */ #define MAXTRY 10 /* Times to retry a packet */ #define MYPADN 0 /* How many padding chars I need */ #define MYPADC '\0' /* Which padding character I need */ #define DMYTIM 7 /* Default timeout interval to use. */ #define URTIME 10 /* Timeout interval to be used on me. */ #define DEFTRN 0 /* Default line turnaround handshake */ #define DEFPAR 0 /* Default parity */ #define MYEOL CR /* End-Of-Line character I need on packets. */ #define DRPSIZ 90 /* Default incoming packet size. */ #define DSPSIZ 90 /* Default outbound packet size. */ #define DDELAY 5 /* Default delay. */ #define DSPEED 9600 /* Default line speed. */ /* Files */ #define ZCTERM 0 /* Console terminal */ #define ZSTDIO 1 /* Standard input/output */ #define ZIFILE 2 /* Current input file */ #define ZOFILE 3 /* Current output file */ #define ZDFILE 4 /* Current debugging log file */ #define ZTFILE 5 /* Current transaction log file */ #define ZPFILE 6 /* Current packet log file */ #define ZSFILE 7 /* Current session log file */ #define ZSYSFN 8 /* Input from a system function */ #define ZNFILS 9 /* How many defined file numbers */ /* Screen functions */ #define SCR_FN 1 /* filename */ #define SCR_AN 2 /* as-name */ #define SCR_FS 3 /* file-size */ #define SCR_XD 4 /* x-packet data */ #define SCR_ST 5 /* File status: */ #define ST_OK 0 /* Transferred OK */ #define ST_DISC 1 /* Discarded */ #define ST_INT 2 /* Interrupted */ #define ST_SKIP 3 /* Skipped */ #define ST_ERR 4 /* Fatal Error */ #define SCR_PN 6 /* packet number */ #define SCR_PT 7 /* packet type or pseudotype */ #define SCR_TC 8 /* transaction complete */ #define SCR_EM 9 /* error message */ #define SCR_WM 10 /* warning message */ #define SCR_TU 11 /* arbitrary undelimited text */ #define SCR_TN 12 /* arbitrary new text, delimited at beginning */ #define SCR_TZ 13 /* arbitrary text, delimited at end */ #define SCR_QE 14 /* quantity equals (e.g. "foo: 7") */ /* Macros */ #define tochar(ch) ((ch) + SP ) /* Number to character */ #define unchar(ch) ((ch) - SP ) /* Character to number */ #define ctl(ch) ((ch) ^ 64 ) /* Controllify/Uncontrollify */ #define unpar(ch) ((ch) & 127) /* Clear parity bit */ <<< ackerm.h >>> <<< acsignal.h >>> /* signal-h */ #define SIGALARM 5 #define SIGPROF (SIGALARM+256) #define SIGVTALARM SIGALARM #define SIGQUIT 6 /* escape */ #define SIGINT SIGQUIT+256 #define CSignal 12543 /* random no - handle for PANOS event routine */ #define CONDSTOP 1 #define CONDEXCEPTION 2 #define signal(a, b) ckpsig(a, b) <<< actime.h >>> /* time-h */ typedef struct { unsigned int low; unsigned int high; } timeval; extern unsigned int timerdiff() ; extern gettimeofday() ; extern alarm() ; <<< acucmd.h >>> /* C K U C M D . H -- Header file for Unix cmd package */ /* Author: Frank da Cruz (SY.FDC@CU20B), Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, January 1985. Copyright (C) 1985, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, or redistribute this software so long as it is not sold for profit, provided this copyright notice is retained. */ /* Special getchars... */ #ifdef vax11c #define getchar() vms_getchar() #endif #ifdef aegis #define getchar() coninc(0) #endif /* Sizes of things */ #define HLPLW 78 /* Width of ?-help line */ #define HLPCW 19 /* Width of ?-help column */ #define CMDBL 200 /* Command buffer length */ #define HLPBL 100 /* Help string buffer length */ #define ATMBL 100 /* Command atom buffer length*/ /* Special characters */ #ifndef NUL #define NUL '\0' /* Null */ #endif #define HT '\t' /* Horizontal Tab */ #define NL '\n' /* Newline */ #ifndef CR #define CR '\r' #endif #define FF 0014 /* Formfeed (^L) */ #define RDIS 0022 /* Redisplay (^R) */ #define LDEL 0025 /* Delete line (^U) */ #define WDEL 0027 /* Delete word (^W) */ #define ESC 0033 /* Escape */ #define RUB 0177 /* Rubout */ #ifndef BEL #define BEL 0007 /* Bell */ #endif #ifndef BS #define BS 0010 /* Backspace */ #endif #ifndef SP #define SP 0040 /* Space */ #endif /* Keyword table flags */ #define CM_INV 1 /* Invisible keyword */ /* Keyword Table Template */ struct keytab { /* Keyword table */ char *kwd; /* Pointer to keyword string */ int val; /* Associated value */ int flgs; /* Flags (as defined above) */ }; <<< acuusr.h >>> /* C K U U S R . H -- Symbol definitions for C-Kermit ckuus*.c modules */ /* Author: Frank da Cruz (SY.FDC@CU20B), Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, January 1985. Copyright (C) 1985, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, or redistribute this software so long as it is not sold for profit, provided this copyright notice is retained. */ #ifndef vax11c /* #include don't know what this is */ #endif /* Values associated with top-level commands, must be 0 or greater. */ #define XXBYE 0 /* BYE */ #define XXCLE 1 /* CLEAR */ #define XXCLO 2 /* CLOSE */ #define XXCON 3 /* CONNECT */ #define XXCPY 4 /* COPY */ #define XXCWD 5 /* CWD (Change Working Directory) */ #define XXDEF 6 /* DEFINE (a command macro) */ #define XXDEL 7 /* (Local) DELETE */ #define XXDIR 8 /* (Local) DIRECTORY */ #define XXDIS 9 /* DISCONNECT */ #define XXECH 10 /* ECHO */ #define XXEXI 11 /* EXIT */ #define XXFIN 12 /* FINISH */ #define XXGET 13 /* GET */ #define XXHLP 14 /* HELP */ #define XXINP 15 /* INPUT */ #define XXLOC 16 /* LOCAL */ #define XXLOG 17 /* LOG */ #define XXMAI 18 /* MAIL */ #define XXMOU 19 /* (Local) MOUNT */ #define XXMSG 20 /* (Local) MESSAGE */ #define XXOUT 21 /* OUTPUT */ #define XXPAU 22 /* PAUSE */ #define XXPRI 23 /* (Local) PRINT */ #define XXQUI 24 /* QUIT */ #define XXREC 25 /* RECEIVE */ #define XXREM 26 /* REMOTE */ #define XXREN 27 /* (Local) RENAME */ #define XXSEN 28 /* SEND */ #define XXSER 29 /* SERVER */ #define XXSET 30 /* SET */ #define XXSHE 31 /* Command for SHELL */ #define XXSHO 32 /* SHOW */ #define XXSPA 33 /* (Local) SPACE */ #define XXSTA 34 /* STATISTICS */ #define XXSUB 35 /* (Local) SUBMIT */ #define XXTAK 36 /* TAKE */ #define XXTRA 37 /* TRANSMIT */ #define XXTYP 38 /* (Local) TYPE */ #define XXWHO 39 /* (Local) WHO */ #define XXDIAL 40 /* (Local) DIAL */ #define XXLOGI 41 /* (Local) SCRIPT */ #define XXCOM 42 /* Comment */ /* SET parameters */ #define XYBREA 0 /* BREAK simulation */ #define XYCHKT 1 /* Block check type */ #define XYDEBU 2 /* Debugging */ #define XYDELA 3 /* Delay */ #define XYDUPL 4 /* Duplex */ #define XYEOL 5 /* End-Of-Line (packet terminator) */ #define XYESC 6 /* Escape character */ #define XYFILE 7 /* File Parameters */ #define XYFILN 0 /* Naming */ #define XYFILT 1 /* Type */ #define XYFILW 2 /* Warning */ #define XYFILD 3 /* ... */ /* empty space to add something */ #define XYFLOW 9 /* Flow Control */ #define XYHAND 10 /* Handshake */ #define XYIFD 11 /* Incomplete File Disposition */ #define XYIMAG 12 /* "Image Mode" */ #define XYINPU 13 /* INPUT command parameters */ #define XYLEN 14 /* Maximum packet length to send */ #define XYLINE 15 /* Communication line to use */ #define XYLOG 16 /* Log file */ #define XYMARK 17 /* Start of Packet mark */ #define XYNPAD 18 /* Amount of padding */ #define XYPADC 19 /* Pad character */ #define XYPARI 20 /* Parity */ #define XYPAUS 21 /* Interpacket pause */ #define XYPROM 22 /* Program prompt string */ #define XYQBIN 23 /* 8th-bit prefix */ #define XYQCTL 24 /* Control character prefix */ #define XYREPT 25 /* Repeat count prefix */ #define XYRETR 26 /* Retry limit */ #define XYSPEE 27 /* Line speed (baud rate) */ #define XYTACH 28 /* Character to be doubled */ #define XYTIMO 29 /* Timeout interval */ #define XYMODM 30 /* Modem type */ #define XYSEND 31 /* SEND parameters, used with some of the above */ #define XYRECV 32 /* RECEIVE parameters, ditto */ /* REMOTE command symbols */ #define XZCPY 0 /* Copy */ #define XZCWD 1 /* Change Working Directory */ #define XZDEL 2 /* Delete */ #define XZDIR 3 /* Directory */ #define XZHLP 4 /* Help */ #define XZHOS 5 /* Host */ #define XZKER 6 /* Kermit */ #define XZLGI 7 /* Login */ #define XZLGO 8 /* Logout */ #define XZMAI 9 /* Mail */ #define XZMOU 10 /* Mount */ #define XZMSG 11 /* Message */ #define XZPRI 12 /* Print */ #define XZREN 13 /* Rename */ #define XZSET 14 /* Set */ #define XZSPA 15 /* Space */ #define XZSUB 16 /* Submit */ #define XZTYP 17 /* Type */ #define XZWHO 18 /* Who */ /* Symbols for logs */ #define LOGD 0 /* Debugging */ #define LOGP 1 /* Packets */ #define LOGS 2 /* Session */ #define LOGT 3 /* Transaction */