Date: Thu, 2 Jun 1994 18:51:54 GMT From: "Ben A. Mesander" To: Cc: Subject: Kermit in emacs lisp Frank, Here is an implementation of kermit written in emacs lisp that Bob Manson and myself wrote. It has been tested to work with various emacs versions between 18.59 and 19.24. It's a simple kermit - it just does binary and ascii send and recieve, but it should be portable to any machine emacs runs on (unix, vms, windows nt... etc). To run it, either put it in a directory in your load-path, or add the directory it is in to your load-path, and then execute (load "kermit"), perhaps in your .emacs. Or if you just want to test it quickly, pull it up in a buffer and do M-x eval-current-buffer. Byte compiling it will improve performance. Once you have it loaded, there are three commands: M-x kermit-send-buffer <-- prompts for a buffer name and sends it via kermit protocol. M-x kermit-send-current-buffer <-- sends the buffer your cursor currently is in via the kermit protocol. M-x kermit-receive-buffer <-- receives a buffer from the local kermit program. To switch between binary and text mode, set kermit-text-mode to t (true) or nil (false): Image mode: M-x set-var RET kermit-text-mode RET nil RET ASCII mode: M-x set-var RET kermit-text-mode RET t RET